Lesson 40 Yang mana? (Which one?)

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A second reading (by Muhammad Nor Ismat, a native speaker)

Yang mana pen anda?
- Yang ini.
Yang mana payung anda?
- Yang itu.
Yang mana hendak?
- Yang merah itu.
Which pen is yours?
- This one.
Which umbrella is yours?
That one.
Which one do you want?
The red one.
mana = where
pen = a pen
payung = umbrella
hendak = to wish
merah = red

1. The word yang is also widely used in forming the superlative eg. Dia yang tua sekali (He is the oldest). You will learn about this in Lesson 58. In fact there is another way of saying this and that is Dia yang tertua. In this case the prefix ter- turns an adjective into the superlative.
2. Do you see the difference between yang mana and di mana? The first means "which one (of several)" as dealt with in this lesson while di mana, which you have already learnt, means "where" eg. Di mana pen saya? (=Where is my pen?)
Which pen is yours? Yang mana pena anda? Yang mana pen anda?
Where is my pen? Di mana pena aku? Di mana pen saya?