Lesson 41 Dengan (With)  

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A second reading (by Muhammad Nor Ismat, a native speaker)

Dia datang dengan suaminya.
Dia telah keluar dengan bapanya.
Saya hendak cakap dengan Encik Ahmad.
She came with her husband.
He has gone out with his father.
I wish to talk with Mr. Ahmad.
datang = to come
suami = husband
keluar = to go out
cakap dengan = talk with

You will learn in later lessons that most verbs in Malay have prefixes and suffixes affixed to them. In the last sentence above, for example, you might hear: Saya hendak bercakap dengan Encik Ahmad.
In such a case you might be asked Berkenaan dengan apa? or Tentang apa? both of which mean "About what?" (On what subject or matter?)
On your side you might need to say "I have to speak to Encik Ahmad about tomorrow's meeting" which in Malay would be Saya harus bercakap dengan Encik Ahmad berkenaan dengan mesyuarat esok or Saya harus bercakap dengan Encik Ahmad tentang mesyuarat esok. So each time you need to talk about a certain matter or concerning something you can either say berkenaan dengan or tentang. In the first case (berkenaan dengan) you need always to use it with the preposition dengan (think of it as "having to do WITH something").
For the very ambitious (or should I say "model") student: There is yet a third word, also in common usage, to denote the same thing. The word is mengenai pronounced in four syllables (me-nge-na-ee) so don't use it unless you are able to pronounce it correctly! Eg. Saya hendak berbincang dengan anda mengenai hutang anda. (I wish to discuss with you about your debt.)

Another sentence with dengan:
Dia masih tinggal dengan ibu bapanya ("He is still living with his parents" OR "She is still living with her parents".)
You have learnt in Lesson 3 that ibu and emak both mean "mother" and that bapa and ayah both mean "father". However in this expression for "parents" you cannot use any word you like. It has got to be ibu bapa and nothing else. And get the order right, the mother comes first before the father. Now how do you say "my parents" and "your parents" in Malay? Have a go at it before you look at the answer below.*

*   my parents = ibu bapa saya
    your parents = ibu bapa anda OR ibu bapa kamu OR ibu bapa awak.

I wish to talk with Mr. Ahmad. Saya hendak berbicara dengan Bapak Ahmad. Saya hendak bercakap dengan Encik Ahmad.
meeting pertemuan mesyuarat
parents orang tua ibu bapa
He is still living with his parents. Dia masih tinggal bersama orang tuanya. Dia masih tinggal dengan ibu bapanya.