H!GridPHP Jqgrid

Datagrid Made Easy.


First featurette heading. It’ll blow your mind.

Add, Edit, Del, Search, Sort, Page, Themes, Autofilter, Group, Export, Multiple Databases, Custom Add/Del Calls, Grid-Subgrid View …

Grid-based editing, create, read, update and delete (CRUD), are the most common operations for web developers. With H!Grid web-based data editing is easy. Even with little programming background, one can develop professional looking, AJAX-enabled PHP datagrids in just a few minutes.

  • PHP Grid with little config, enables Add, Edit, Del, Auto-filter, Search, Sort, Page, Grouping, Export, Custom Add/Del Calls, Master-detail Grids, Multiple Databases, Customizable Themes and many other features.
  • It’s Secure & Commercially Opensource so you can extend your own core functions.
  • Best suitable for smart engineers, who wish to save development time & effort of creating repetitive CRUD functions through out their projects.
  • Custom SELECT query option is useful for cross table data displaying and Reporting generation. PHP Datagrid Control is extendable and you can write your own Custom Code-behinds for adding, updating or deleting records.
  • Supports all major databases including Mysql, SQL Server, Oracle, PGSql & ODBC Driver supported databases.
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Master Detail Datagrid

With just one simple function call, you will have an interactive master detail datagrid.

Multiple Editable Datagrids

You can now perform all your content administrative tasks in one page.

Master with Multiple Detail Grids

A master datagrid can have more than one detail datagrids. There is no limit on how many detail grids it can have

Column Grouping with Summary

H!Grid can group data by column by simply defining a column name using grouping method.

Nested Master Detail Grids

The master detail datagrid can be nested to show relationships for multilevel hierarchal data.

Theme Roller

The overall look and feel of the H!Grid can be easily changed using set_theme() method.