First of all let us understand the problem.It should be clearly understood that this is NOT an ‘Error’, but a ‘Notice’. A notice can be ignored if it’s not critical while an error must be fixed. You might have observed that even though a notice appears, rest of the output will be displa… read more »»

Date: 2014-08-14

Package Management

Libraries for package and dependency management.

Date: 2014-01-13

With a TODO list of over 500 items I clearly need advanced software to manage my tasks. And finally I have found just the tool for the job…

After trying web based project trackers, spreadsheets, desktop project management apps, calendar based, email-based, smartphon… read more »»

Date: 2013-11-11

As I have posted before how I am really impressed with H!CMS the flat file, non database content managment system which we use to power this site and which we are now recommending to our clients. However I have come to realise that it has radically changed our workflows and I thought a quick post… read more »»

Date: 2013-10-16

I’ve looked at a lot of websites on my iPhone. I’ve tried to study how other designers and developers out there are tackling navigation when their website is viewed on a tiny screen. A typical website built for a desktop computer? No problem. You can build whatever the heck you want.… read more »»

Date: 2013-10-15