

# MacOS + Homebrew
$ brew install tig --HEAD
# Ubuntu
$ sudo apt install tig


Command Description
--- ---
tig status Status
tig blame FILE Blame
--- ---
tig master Show a branch
tig test..master Show difference between two branches
tig FILE Show history of file
tig v0.0.3:README Show contents of file in a specific revision
tig -C /repo/path Run in dir /repo/path (like git -C)

You can substitute git logtig.

Shortcut keys

{: .-three-column}

Switching views

| m | Main view | | s | Status | | t | Tree (files) | | y | Stash view | | g | Grep | | h | Help | {: .-shortcuts}

All views

Shortcut Description
j k Up/down
J K Next/previous
--- ---
< Back
R Refresh
q Close
Q Close all
--- ---
^N Next on parent view
^P Previous on parent view

{: .-shortcuts}

m - Main view

| D | Toggle date display modes | | A | Toggle author display modes | | X | Toggle commit sha | | C | Cherry pick a commit | {: .-shortcuts}

s - Stage view

| u | Stage/unstage file or chunk | | ! | Revert file or chunk | | C | Commit | | M | Merge | | 1 | Stage line | | [ ] | Increase/decrease the diff context | {: .-shortcuts}

h - Branch view

| i | Change sort header | {: .-shortcuts}

h - Blame view

| , | Parent commit | {: .-shortcuts}
