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[AF14] S. Abraham and D. Fussell, “Smoke Brush,” Proceedings of the Workshop on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering (NPAR’14), 2014, accessed October 2018.

[AS04] D. Astle, “Simple Clouds Part 1,” gamedev.net, 2004, accessed October 2018.

[CC16] A “Fire Shader in GLSL for your WebGL Games (2016),” Clockwork Chilli (blog), accessed October 2018.

[GR05] S. Green, “Implementing Improved Perlin Noise,” GPU Gems 2, NVIDIA, 2005, accessed October 2018.

[JA12] A. Jacobson, “Cheap Tricks for OpenGL Transparency,” 2012, accessed October 2018.

[KF03] M. Kilgard and R. Fernando, “Advanced Topics,” The Cg Tutorial (Addison-Wesley, 2003), accessed October 2018.

[LU16] F. Luna, Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 12, 2nd ed. (Mercury Learning, 2016).

[PE11] M. Persson, “Terrain Generation, Part 1,” The Word of Notch (blog), Mar 9, 2011, accessed October 2018.

[PE85] K. Perlin, “An Image Synthesizer,” SIGGRAPH ‘85 Proceedings of the 12th annual conference on computer graphics and interactive techniques (1985).

[VA04] L. Vandevenne, “Texture Generation Using Random Noise,” Lode’s Computer Graphics Tutorial, 2004, accessed October 2018.

[1] 由电影艺术与科学学院颁发的奥斯卡技术成就奖。

[2] “logistic”(或“sigmoid”)函数具有S形曲线,两端都有渐近线。常见的例子是双曲正切函数和f(x) = 1/(1+e−x)。它们有时也被称为“挤压”函数。