
IBM DB2, Cloudscape and Apache Derby


  • 简介
  • 安装/配置
  • 预定义常量
  • IBM DB2 函数
    • db2_autocommit — Returns or sets the AUTOCOMMIT state for a database connection
    • db2_bind_param — Binds a PHP variable to an SQL statement parameter
    • db2_client_info — Returns an object with properties that describe the DB2 database client
    • db2_close — Closes a database connection
    • db2_column_privileges — Returns a result set listing the columns and associated privileges for a table
    • db2_columns — Returns a result set listing the columns and associated metadata for a table
    • db2_commit — Commits a transaction
    • db2_conn_error — Returns a string containing the SQLSTATE returned by the last connection attempt
    • db2_conn_errormsg — Returns the last connection error message and SQLCODE value
    • db2_connect — Returns a connection to a database
    • db2_cursor_type — Returns the cursor type used by a statement resource
    • db2_escape_string — Used to escape certain characters
    • db2_exec — Executes an SQL statement directly
    • db2_execute — Executes a prepared SQL statement
    • db2_fetch_array — Returns an array, indexed by column position, representing a row in a result set
    • db2_fetch_assoc — Returns an array, indexed by column name, representing a row in a result set
    • db2_fetch_both — Returns an array, indexed by both column name and position, representing a row in a result set
    • db2_fetch_object — Returns an object with properties representing columns in the fetched row
    • db2_fetch_row — Sets the result set pointer to the next row or requested row
    • db2_field_display_size — Returns the maximum number of bytes required to display a column
    • db2_field_name — Returns the name of the column in the result set
    • db2_field_num — Returns the position of the named column in a result set
    • db2_field_precision — Returns the precision of the indicated column in a result set
    • db2_field_scale — Returns the scale of the indicated column in a result set
    • db2_field_type — Returns the data type of the indicated column in a result set
    • db2_field_width — Returns the width of the current value of the indicated column in a result set
    • db2_foreign_keys — Returns a result set listing the foreign keys for a table
    • db2_free_result — Frees resources associated with a result set
    • db2_free_stmt — Frees resources associated with the indicated statement resource
    • db2_get_option — Retrieves an option value for a statement resource or a connection resource
    • db2_last_insert_id — Returns the auto generated ID of the last insert query that successfully executed on this connection
    • db2_lob_read — Gets a user defined size of LOB files with each invocation
    • db2_next_result — Requests the next result set from a stored procedure
    • db2_num_fields — Returns the number of fields contained in a result set
    • db2_num_rows — Returns the number of rows affected by an SQL statement
    • db2_pclose — Closes a persistent database connection
    • db2_pconnect — Returns a persistent connection to a database
    • db2_prepare — Prepares an SQL statement to be executed
    • db2_primary_keys — Returns a result set listing primary keys for a table
    • db2_procedure_columns — Returns a result set listing stored procedure parameters
    • db2_procedures — Returns a result set listing the stored procedures registered in a database
    • db2_result — Returns a single column from a row in the result set
    • db2_rollback — Rolls back a transaction
    • db2_server_info — Returns an object with properties that describe the DB2 database server
    • db2_set_option — Set options for connection or statement resources
    • db2_special_columns — Returns a result set listing the unique row identifier columns for a table
    • db2_statistics — Returns a result set listing the index and statistics for a table
    • db2_stmt_error — Returns a string containing the SQLSTATE returned by an SQL statement
    • db2_stmt_errormsg — Returns a string containing the last SQL statement error message
    • db2_table_privileges — Returns a result set listing the tables and associated privileges in a database
    • db2_tables — Returns a result set listing the tables and associated metadata in a database

These functions enable you to access IBM DB2 Universal Database, IBM Cloudscape, and Apache Derby databases using the DB2 Call Level Interface (DB2 CLI).




To connect to IBM DB2 Universal Database for Linux, UNIX, and Windows, or IBM Cloudscape, or Apache Derby, you must install an IBM DB2 Universal Database client on the same computer on which you are running PHP. The extension has been developed and tested with DB2 Version 8.2.

To connect to IBM DB2 Universal Database for z/OS or iSeries, you also require IBM DB2 Connect or the equivalent DRDA gateway software.

Requirements on Linux or Unix

The user invoking the PHP executable or SAPI must specify the DB2 instance before accessing these functions. You can set the name of the DB2 instance in php.ini using the ibm_db2.instance_name configuration option, or you can source the DB2 instance profile before invoking the PHP executable.

If you created a DB2 instance named db2inst1 in /home/db2inst1/, for example, you can add the following line to php.ini:


If you do not set this option in php.ini, you must issue the following command to modify your environment variables to enable access to DB2:

bash$ source /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile

To enable your PHP-enabled Web server to access these functions, you must either set the ibm_db2.instance_name configuration option in php.ini, or source the DB2 instance environment in your Web server start script (typically /etc/init.d/httpd or /etc/init.d/apache).


To build the ibm_db2 extension, the DB2 application development header files and libraries must be installed on your system. DB2 does not install these by default, so you may have to return to your DB2 installer and add this option. The header files are included with the DB2 Application Development Client freely available for download from the IBM DB2 Universal Database » support site.

If you add the DB2 application development header files and libraries to a Linux or Unix operating system on which DB2 was already installed, you must issue the command db2iupdt -e to update the symbolic links to the header files and libraries in your DB2 instances.

ibm_db2 is a » PECL extension, so follow the instructions in PECL 扩展库安装 to install the ibm_db2 extension for PHP. Issue the configure command to point to the location of your DB2 header files and libraries as follows:

bash$ ./configure --with-IBM_DB2=/path/to/DB2

The configure command defaults to /opt/IBM/db2/V8.1.

Note: Note for IIS users

If you are using the ibm_db2 driver with Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) you may have to do the following:

  • Install DB2 with extended operating system security.
  • Add the PHP binary path to the PATH system environment variable (default C:\php\).
  • Create another system environment variable equal to the path where the PHP.INI file is located (eg: PHPRC = C:\php\).
  • Add the IUSR_COMPUTERNAME to the DB2USERS group.


这些函数的行为受 php.ini 中的设置影响。

名字 默认 可修改范围 Changelog
ibm_db2.binmode "1" PHP_INI_ALL  
ibm_db2.i5_all_pconnect "0" PHP_INI_SYSTEM Available since ibm_db2 1.6.5.
ibm_db2.i5_allow_commit "0" PHP_INI_SYSTEM Available since ibm_db2 1.4.9.
ibm_db2.i5_dbcs_alloc "0" PHP_INI_SYSTEM Available since ibm_db2 1.5.0.
ibm_db2.instance_name NULL PHP_INI_SYSTEM Available since ibm_db2 1.0.2.
ibm_db2.i5_ignore_userid "0" PHP_INI_SYSTEM Available since ibm_db2 1.8.0.


ibm_db2.binmode int
This option controls the mode used for converting to and from binary data in the PHP application.

  • 1 (DB2_BINARY)

  • 2 (DB2_CONVERT)

  • 3 (DB2_PASSTHRU)

ibm_db2.i5_all_pconnect int
This option overrides i5 db2_connect full open and close in the PHP application. When ibm_db2.i5_all_pconnect = 1, all db2 connections become persistent (<span class="function">db2_pconnect). On i5/OS, <span class="function">db2_pconnect performs dramatically better with lower machine stress over db2_connect. This is a convenience override of <span class="function">db2_connect to evoke <span class="function">db2_pconnect without PHP source code changes.

  • 0 db2_connect default full open and close

  • 1 db2_connect override to <span class="function">db2_pconnect for persistent connection only

ibm_db2.i5_allow_commit int
This option controls the isolation mode used for i5 schema collections in the PHP application (see i5_commit for override).

  • 0 - commitment control is not used

  • 1 - read uncommitted, dirty reads possible.

  • 2 - read committed, dirty reads are not possible.

  • 3 - repeatable read, dirty reads and non-repeatable reads are not possible

  • 4 - serializeable, dirty reads, non-repeatable reads, and phantoms are not possible

ibm_db2.i5_dbcs_alloc int
This option controls the internal ibm_db2 allocation scheme for large DBCS column buffers.

  • 0 no expanded allocations (see i5_dbcs_alloc for override)

  • 1 use expanded allocations (see i5_dbcs_alloc for override)

ibm_db2.instance_name string
On Linux and UNIX operating systems, this option defines the name of the instance to use for cataloged database connections. If this option is set, its value overrides the DB2INSTANCE environment variable setting.

This option is ignored on Windows operating systems.

ibm_db2.i5_ignore_userid int
This option overrides i5 db2_(p)connect userid and password in the PHP application. When ibm_db2.i5_ignore_userid = 1, all db2 (p)connections become null userid and null password. Therefore Apache jobs connect with the current profile (NOBODY). Use of this override is only for simple DB2 based websites that never require profile switching and therefore can avoid all overhead of server mode additional QSQSRVR jobs. This is a convenience override of db2_(p)connect to set the userid and password values to null without PHP source code changes. This override can be used in combination with ibm_db2.i5_all_pconnect = 1.

  • 0 db2_(p)connect with specified userid and password

  • 1 db2_(p)connect override connect with null userid and null password


The ibm_db2 extension returns connection resources, statement resources, and result set resources.


下列常量由此扩展定义,且仅在此扩展编译入 PHP 或在运行时动态载入时可用。

DB2_BINARY (int)
Specifies that binary data shall be returned as is. This is the default mode.

Specifies that binary data shall be converted to a hexadecimal encoding and returned as an ASCII string.

Specifies that binary data shall be converted to a null value.

Specifies a scrollable cursor for a statement resource. This mode enables random access to rows in a result set, but currently is supported only by IBM DB2 Universal Database.

Specifies a forward-only cursor for a statement resource. This is the default cursor type and is supported on all database servers.

DB2_PARAM_IN (int)
Specifies the PHP variable should be bound as an IN parameter for a stored procedure.

Specifies the PHP variable should be bound as an OUT parameter for a stored procedure.

Specifies the PHP variable should be bound as an INOUT parameter for a stored procedure.

Specifies that the column should be bound directly to a file for input.

Specifies that autocommit should be turned on.

Specifies that autocommit should be turned off.

DB2_DOUBLE (int)
Specifies that the variable should be bound as a DOUBLE, FLOAT, or REAL data type.

DB2_LONG (int)
Specifies that the variable should be bound as a SMALLINT, INTEGER, or BIGINT data type.

DB2_CHAR (int)
Specifies that the variable should be bound as a CHAR or VARCHAR data type.

Specifies that column names will be returned in their natural case.

Specifies that column names will be returned in lower case.

Specifies that column names will be returned in upper case.

Specifies that deferred prepare should be turned on for the specified statement resource.

Specifies that deferred prepare should be turned off for the specified statement resource.


Returns or sets the AUTOCOMMIT state for a database connection


mixed <span class="methodname">db2_autocommit ( <span class="methodparam">resource $connection [, <span class="type">bool $value ] )

Sets or gets the AUTOCOMMIT behavior of the specified connection resource.


A valid database connection resource variable as returned from <span class="function">db2_connect or <span class="function">db2_pconnect.

One of the following constants:




When db2_autocommit receives only the connection parameter, it returns the current state of AUTOCOMMIT for the requested connection as an integer value. A value of DB2_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF indicates that AUTOCOMMIT is off, while a value of DB2_AUTOCOMMIT_ON indicates that AUTOCOMMIT is on.

When db2_autocommit receives both the connection parameter and autocommit parameter, it attempts to set the AUTOCOMMIT state of the requested connection to the corresponding state. 成功时返回 true, 或者在失败时返回 false


示例 #1 Retrieving the AUTOCOMMIT value for a connection

In the following example, a connection which has been created with AUTOCOMMIT turned off is tested with the <span class="function">db2_autocommit function.

$options = array('autocommit' => DB2_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF);
$conn = db2_connect($database, $user, $password, $options);
$ac = db2_autocommit($conn);
if ($ac == DB2_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF) {
    print "$ac -- AUTOCOMMIT is off.";
} else {
    print "$ac -- AUTOCOMMIT is on.";


0 -- AUTOCOMMIT is off.

示例 #2 Setting the AUTOCOMMIT value for a connection

In the following example, a connection which was initially created with AUTOCOMMIT turned off has its behavior changed to turn AUTOCOMMIT on.

$options = array('autocommit' => DB2_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF);
$conn = db2_connect($database, $user, $password, $options);

$rc = db2_autocommit($conn, DB2_AUTOCOMMIT_ON);
if ($rc) {
    print "Turning AUTOCOMMIT on succeeded.\n";

// Check AUTOCOMMIT state
$ac = db2_autocommit($conn);
if ($ac == DB2_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF) {
    print "$ac -- AUTOCOMMIT is off.";
} else {
    print "$ac -- AUTOCOMMIT is on.";


Turning AUTOCOMMIT on succeeded.
1 -- AUTOCOMMIT is on.


  • db2_connect
  • db2_pconnect


Binds a PHP variable to an SQL statement parameter


bool <span class="methodname">db2_bind_param ( <span class="methodparam">resource $stmt , int $parameter_number , <span class="type">string $variable_name [, <span class="methodparam">int $parameter_type [, <span class="type">int $data_type = 0 [, <span class="type">int $precision = -1 [, <span class="type">int $scale = 0 ]]]] )

Binds a PHP variable to an SQL statement parameter in a statement resource returned by db2_prepare. This function gives you more control over the parameter type, data type, precision, and scale for the parameter than simply passing the variable as part of the optional input array to <span class="function">db2_execute.


A prepared statement returned from <span class="function">db2_prepare.

Specifies the 1-indexed position of the parameter in the prepared statement.

A string specifying the name of the PHP variable to bind to the parameter specified by parameter_number.

A constant specifying whether the PHP variable should be bound to the SQL parameter as an input parameter (DB2_PARAM_IN), an output parameter (DB2_PARAM_OUT), or as a parameter that accepts input and returns output (DB2_PARAM_INOUT). To avoid memory overhead, you can also specify DB2_PARAM_FILE to bind the PHP variable to the name of a file that contains large object (BLOB, CLOB, or DBCLOB) data.

A constant specifying the SQL data type that the PHP variable should be bound as: one of DB2_BINARY, DB2_CHAR, DB2_DOUBLE, or DB2_LONG .

Specifies the precision with which the variable should be bound to the database. This parameter can also be used for retrieving XML output values from stored procedures. A non-negative value specifies the maximum size of the XML data that will be retrieved from the database. If this parameter is not used, a default of 1MB will be assumed for retrieving the XML output value from the stored procedure.

Specifies the scale with which the variable should be bound to the database.


成功时返回 true, 或者在失败时返回 false


示例 #1 Binding PHP variables to a prepared statement

The SQL statement in the following example uses two input parameters in the WHERE clause. We call db2_bind_param to bind two PHP variables to the corresponding SQL parameters. Notice that the PHP variables do not have to be declared or assigned before the call to db2_bind_param; in the example, $lower_limit is assigned a value before the call to <span class="function">db2_bind_param, but $upper_limit is assigned a value after the call to <span class="function">db2_bind_param. The variables must be bound and, for parameters that accept input, must have any value assigned, before calling db2_execute.


$sql = 'SELECT name, breed, weight FROM animals
    WHERE weight > ? AND weight < ?';
$conn = db2_connect($database, $user, $password);
$stmt = db2_prepare($conn, $sql);

// We can declare the variable before calling db2_bind_param()
$lower_limit = 1;

db2_bind_param($stmt, 1, "lower_limit", DB2_PARAM_IN);
db2_bind_param($stmt, 2, "upper_limit", DB2_PARAM_IN);

// We can also declare the variable after calling db2_bind_param()
$upper_limit = 15.0;

if (db2_execute($stmt)) {
    while ($row = db2_fetch_array($stmt)) {
        print "{$row[0]}, {$row[1]}, {$row[2]}\n";


Pook, cat, 3.2
Rickety Ride, goat, 9.7
Peaches, dog, 12.3

示例 #2 Calling stored procedures with IN and OUT parameters

The stored procedure match_animal in the following example accepts three different parameters:

  1. an input (IN) parameter that accepts the name of the first animal as input

  2. an input-output (INOUT) parameter that accepts the name of the second animal as input and returns the string TRUE if an animal in the database matches that name

  3. an output (OUT) parameter that returns the sum of the weight of the two identified animals

In addition, the stored procedure returns a result set consisting of the animals listed in alphabetic order starting at the animal corresponding to the input value of the first parameter and ending at the animal corresponding to the input value of the second parameter.


$sql = 'CALL match_animal(?, ?, ?)';
$conn = db2_connect($database, $user, $password);
$stmt = db2_prepare($conn, $sql);

$name = "Peaches";
$second_name = "Rickety Ride";
$weight = 0;

db2_bind_param($stmt, 1, "name", DB2_PARAM_IN);
db2_bind_param($stmt, 2, "second_name", DB2_PARAM_INOUT);
db2_bind_param($stmt, 3, "weight", DB2_PARAM_OUT);

print "Values of bound parameters _before_ CALL:\n";
print "  1: {$name} 2: {$second_name} 3: {$weight}\n\n";

if (db2_execute($stmt)) {
    print "Values of bound parameters _after_ CALL:\n";
    print "  1: {$name} 2: {$second_name} 3: {$weight}\n\n";

    print "Results:\n";
    while ($row = db2_fetch_array($stmt)) {
        print "  {$row[0]}, {$row[1]}, {$row[2]}\n";


Values of bound parameters _before_ CALL:
  1: Peaches 2: Rickety Ride 3: 0

Values of bound parameters _after_ CALL:
  1: Peaches 2: TRUE 3: 22

  Peaches, dog, 12.3
  Pook, cat, 3.2
  Rickety Ride, goat, 9.7

示例 #3 Inserting a binary large object (BLOB) directly from a file

The data for large objects are typically stored in files, such as XML documents or audio files. Rather than reading an entire file into a PHP variable, and then binding that PHP variable into an SQL statement, you can avoid some memory overhead by binding the file directly to the input parameter of your SQL statement. The following example demonstrates how to bind a file directly into a BLOB column.

$stmt = db2_prepare($conn, "INSERT INTO animal_pictures(picture) VALUES (?)");

$picture = "/opt/albums/spook/grooming.jpg";
$rc = db2_bind_param($stmt, 1, "picture", DB2_PARAM_FILE);
$rc = db2_execute($stmt);


  • db2_execute
  • db2_prepare


Returns an object with properties that describe the DB2 database client


object <span class="methodname">db2_client_info ( <span class="methodparam">resource $connection )

This function returns an object with read-only properties that return information about the DB2 database client. The following table lists the DB2 client properties:

DB2 client properties
Property name Return type Description
APPL_CODEPAGE int The application code page.
CONN_CODEPAGE int The code page for the current connection.
DATA_SOURCE_NAME string The data source name (DSN) used to create the current connection to the database.
DRIVER_NAME string The name of the library that implements the DB2 Call Level Interface (CLI) specification.
DRIVER_ODBC_VER string The version of ODBC that the DB2 client supports. This returns a string "" where MM is the major version and mm is the minor version. The DB2 client always returns "03.51".
DRIVER_VER string The version of the client, in the form of a string "" where MM is the major version, mm is the minor version, and uuuu is the update. For example, "08.02.0001" represents major version 8, minor version 2, update 1.

The level of ODBC SQL grammar supported by the client:


Supports the minimum ODBC SQL grammar.


Supports the core ODBC SQL grammar.


Supports extended ODBC SQL grammar.

ODBC_VER string The version of ODBC that the ODBC driver manager supports. This returns a string "" where MM is the major version, mm is the minor version, and rrrr is the release. The DB2 client always returns "03.01.0000".


Specifies an active DB2 client connection.


Returns an object on a successful call. Returns false on failure.


示例 #1 A db2_client_info example

To retrieve information about the client, you must pass a valid database connection resource to db2_client_info.

$conn = db2_connect( 'SAMPLE', 'db2inst1', 'ibmdb2' );
$client = db2_client_info( $conn );

if ($client) {
    echo "DRIVER_NAME: ";           var_dump( $client->DRIVER_NAME );
    echo "DRIVER_VER: ";            var_dump( $client->DRIVER_VER );
    echo "DATA_SOURCE_NAME: ";      var_dump( $client->DATA_SOURCE_NAME );
    echo "DRIVER_ODBC_VER: ";       var_dump( $client->DRIVER_ODBC_VER );
    echo "ODBC_VER: ";              var_dump( $client->ODBC_VER );
    echo "ODBC_SQL_CONFORMANCE: ";  var_dump( $client->ODBC_SQL_CONFORMANCE );
    echo "APPL_CODEPAGE: ";         var_dump( $client->APPL_CODEPAGE );
    echo "CONN_CODEPAGE: ";         var_dump( $client->CONN_CODEPAGE );
else {
    echo "Error retrieving client information.
     Perhaps your database connection was invalid.";



DRIVER_NAME: string(8) "libdb2.a"
DRIVER_VER: string(10) "08.02.0001"
DRIVER_ODBC_VER: string(5) "03.51"
ODBC_VER: string(10) "03.01.0000"


  • db2_server_info


Closes a database connection


bool <span class="methodname">db2_close ( <span class="type">resource $connection )

This function closes a DB2 client connection created with <span class="function">db2_connect and returns the corresponding resources to the database server.

If you attempt to close a persistent DB2 client connection created with db2_pconnect, the close request is ignored and the persistent DB2 client connection remains available for the next caller.


Specifies an active DB2 client connection.


成功时返回 true, 或者在失败时返回 false


示例 #1 Closing a connection

The following example demonstrates a successful attempt to close a connection to an IBM DB2, Cloudscape, or Apache Derby database.

$conn = db2_connect('SAMPLE', 'db2inst1', 'ibmdb2');
$rc = db2_close($conn);
if ($rc) {
    echo "Connection was successfully closed.";


Connection was successfully closed.


  • db2_connect
  • db2_pclose
  • db2_pconnect


Returns a result set listing the columns and associated privileges for a table


resource <span class="methodname">db2_column_privileges ( <span class="methodparam">resource $connection [, <span class="type">string $qualifier [, <span class="methodparam">string $schema [, string $table-name [, <span class="type">string $column-name ]]]] )

Returns a result set listing the columns and associated privileges for a table.


A valid connection to an IBM DB2, Cloudscape, or Apache Derby database.

A qualifier for DB2 databases running on OS/390 or z/OS servers. For other databases, pass null or an empty string.

The schema which contains the tables. To match all schemas, pass null or an empty string.

The name of the table or view. To match all tables in the database, pass null or an empty string.

The name of the column. To match all columns in the table, pass null or an empty string.


Returns a statement resource with a result set containing rows describing the column privileges for columns matching the specified parameters. The rows are composed of the following columns:

Column name Description
TABLE_CAT Name of the catalog. The value is NULL if this table does not have catalogs.
TABLE_SCHEM Name of the schema.
TABLE_NAME Name of the table or view.
COLUMN_NAME Name of the column.
GRANTOR Authorization ID of the user who granted the privilege.
GRANTEE Authorization ID of the user to whom the privilege was granted.
PRIVILEGE The privilege for the column.
IS_GRANTABLE Whether the GRANTEE is permitted to grant this privilege to other users.


  • db2_columns
  • db2_foreign_keys
  • db2_primary_keys
  • db2_procedure_columns
  • db2_procedures
  • db2_special_columns
  • db2_statistics
  • db2_table_privileges
  • db2_tables


Returns a result set listing the columns and associated metadata for a table


resource <span class="methodname">db2_columns ( <span class="type">resource $connection [, <span class="methodparam">string $qualifier [, string $schema [, <span class="type">string $table-name [, <span class="methodparam">string $column-name ]]]] )

Returns a result set listing the columns and associated metadata for a table.


A valid connection to an IBM DB2, Cloudscape, or Apache Derby database.

A qualifier for DB2 databases running on OS/390 or z/OS servers. For other databases, pass null or an empty string.

The schema which contains the tables. To match all schemas, pass '%'.

The name of the table or view. To match all tables in the database, pass null or an empty string.

The name of the column. To match all columns in the table, pass null or an empty string.


Returns a statement resource with a result set containing rows describing the columns matching the specified parameters. The rows are composed of the following columns:

Column name Description
TABLE_CAT Name of the catalog. The value is NULL if this table does not have catalogs.
TABLE_SCHEM Name of the schema.
TABLE_NAME Name of the table or view.
COLUMN_NAME Name of the column.
DATA_TYPE The SQL data type for the column represented as an integer value.
TYPE_NAME A string representing the data type for the column.
COLUMN_SIZE An integer value representing the size of the column.
BUFFER_LENGTH Maximum number of bytes necessary to store data from this column.
DECIMAL_DIGITS The scale of the column, or null where scale is not applicable.
NUM_PREC_RADIX An integer value of either 10 (representing an exact numeric data type), 2 (representing an approximate numeric data type), or null (representing a data type for which radix is not applicable).
NULLABLE An integer value representing whether the column is nullable or not.
REMARKS Description of the column.
COLUMN_DEF Default value for the column.
SQL_DATA_TYPE An integer value representing the size of the column.
SQL_DATETIME_SUB Returns an integer value representing a datetime subtype code, or null for SQL data types to which this does not apply.
CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH Maximum length in octets for a character data type column, which matches COLUMN_SIZE for single-byte character set data, or null for non-character data types.
ORDINAL_POSITION The 1-indexed position of the column in the table.
IS_NULLABLE A string value where 'YES' means that the column is nullable and 'NO' means that the column is not nullable.


  • db2_column_privileges
  • db2_foreign_keys
  • db2_primary_keys
  • db2_procedure_columns
  • db2_procedures
  • db2_special_columns
  • db2_statistics
  • db2_table_privileges
  • db2_tables


Commits a transaction


bool <span class="methodname">db2_commit ( <span class="type">resource $connection )

Commits an in-progress transaction on the specified connection resource and begins a new transaction. PHP applications normally default to AUTOCOMMIT mode, so db2_commit is not necessary unless AUTOCOMMIT has been turned off for the connection resource.


A valid database connection resource variable as returned from <span class="function">db2_connect or <span class="function">db2_pconnect.


成功时返回 true, 或者在失败时返回 false


  • db2_autocommit
  • db2_rollback


Returns a string containing the SQLSTATE returned by the last connection attempt


string <span class="methodname">db2_conn_error ([ <span class="methodparam">resource $connection ] )

db2_conn_error returns an SQLSTATE value representing the reason the last attempt to connect to a database failed. As db2_connect returns false in the event of a failed connection attempt, you do not pass any parameters to db2_conn_error to retrieve the SQLSTATE value.

If, however, the connection was successful but becomes invalid over time, you can pass the connection parameter to retrieve the SQLSTATE value for a specific connection.

To learn what the SQLSTATE value means, you can issue the following command at a DB2 Command Line Processor prompt: db2 '? sqlstate-value'. You can also call <span class="function">db2_conn_errormsg to retrieve an explicit error message and the associated SQLCODE value.


A connection resource associated with a connection that initially succeeded, but which over time became invalid.


Returns the SQLSTATE value resulting from a failed connection attempt. Returns an empty string if there is no error associated with the last connection attempt.


示例 #1 Retrieving an SQLSTATE value for a failed connection attempt

The following example demonstrates how to return an SQLSTATE value after deliberately passing invalid parameters to <span class="function">db2_connect.

$conn = db2_connect('badname', 'baduser', 'badpassword');
if (!$conn) {
    print "SQLSTATE value: " . db2_conn_error();


SQLSTATE value: 08001


  • db2_conn_errormsg
  • db2_connect
  • db2_stmt_error
  • db2_stmt_errormsg


Returns the last connection error message and SQLCODE value


string <span class="methodname">db2_conn_errormsg ([ <span class="methodparam">resource $connection ] )

db2_conn_errormsg returns an error message and SQLCODE value representing the reason the last database connection attempt failed. As db2_connect returns false in the event of a failed connection attempt, do not pass any parameters to db2_conn_errormsg to retrieve the associated error message and SQLCODE value.

If, however, the connection was successful but becomes invalid over time, you can pass the connection parameter to retrieve the associated error message and SQLCODE value for a specific connection.


A connection resource associated with a connection that initially succeeded, but which over time became invalid.


Returns a string containing the error message and SQLCODE value resulting from a failed connection attempt. If there is no error associated with the last connection attempt, <span class="function">db2_conn_errormsg returns an empty string.


示例 #1 Retrieving the error message returned by a failed connection attempt

The following example demonstrates how to return an error message and SQLCODE value after deliberately passing invalid parameters to <span class="function">db2_connect.

$conn = db2_connect('badname', 'baduser', 'badpassword');
if (!$conn) {
    print db2_conn_errormsg();


[IBM][CLI Driver] SQL1013N  The database alias name
or database name "BADNAME" could not be found.  SQLSTATE=42705


  • db2_conn_error
  • db2_connect
  • db2_stmt_error
  • db2_stmt_errormsg


Returns a connection to a database


resource <span class="methodname">db2_connect ( <span class="type">string $database , <span class="methodparam">string $username , string $password [, <span class="type">array $options ] )

Creates a new connection to an IBM DB2 Universal Database, IBM Cloudscape, or Apache Derby database.


For a cataloged connection to a database, database represents the database alias in the DB2 client catalog.

For an uncataloged connection to a database, database represents a complete connection string in the following format:


where the parameters represent the following values:

The name of the database.

The hostname or IP address of the database server.

The TCP/IP port on which the database is listening for requests.

The username with which you are connecting to the database.

The password with which you are connecting to the database.

The username with which you are connecting to the database.

For uncataloged connections, you must pass a null value or empty string.

The password with which you are connecting to the database.

For uncataloged connections, you must pass a null value or empty string.

An associative array of connection options that affect the behavior of the connection, where valid array keys include:

Passing the DB2_AUTOCOMMIT_ON value turns autocommit on for this connection handle.

Passing the DB2_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF value turns autocommit off for this connection handle.

Passing the DB2_CASE_NATURAL value specifies that column names are returned in natural case.

Passing the DB2_CASE_LOWER value specifies that column names are returned in lower case.

Passing the DB2_CASE_UPPER value specifies that column names are returned in upper case.

Passing the DB2_FORWARD_ONLY value specifies a forward-only cursor for a statement resource. This is the default cursor type and is supported on all database servers.

Passing the DB2_SCROLLABLE value specifies a scrollable cursor for a statement resource. This mode enables random access to rows in a result set, but currently is supported only by IBM DB2 Universal Database.

The following new option is available in ibm_db2 version 1.7.0 and later.

Passing the DB2_TRUSTED_CONTEXT_ENABLE value turns trusted context on for this connection handle. This parameter cannot be set using <span class="function">db2_set_option.

This key works only if the database is cataloged (even if the database is local), or if you specify the full DSN when you create the connection.

To catalog the database, use following commands:

db2 catalog tcpip node loopback remote <SERVERNAME> server <SERVICENAME>
db2 catalog database <LOCALDBNAME> as <REMOTEDBNAME> at node loopback
db2 "update dbm cfg using svcename <SERVICENAME>"

The following new i5/OS options are available in ibm_db2 version 1.5.1 and later.

A character value that indicates the default library that will be used for resolving unqualified file references. This is not valid if the connection is using system naming mode.

DB2_I5_NAMING_ON value turns on DB2 UDB CLI iSeries system naming mode. Files are qualified using the slash (/) delimiter. Unqualified files are resolved using the library list for the job.

DB2_I5_NAMING_OFF value turns off DB2 UDB CLI default naming mode, which is SQL naming. Files are qualified using the period (.) delimiter. Unqualified files are resolved using either the default library or the current user ID.

The i5_commit attribute should be set before the <span class="function">db2_connect. If the value is changed after the connection has been established, and the connection is to a remote data source, the change does not take effect until the next successful <span class="function">db2_connect for the connection handle.


The php.ini setting ibm_db2.i5_allow_commit==0 or DB2_I5_TXN_NO_COMMIT is the default, but may be overridden with the i5_commit option.

DB2_I5_TXN_NO_COMMIT - Commitment control is not used.

DB2_I5_TXN_READ_UNCOMMITTED - Dirty reads, nonrepeatable reads, and phantoms are possible.

DB2_I5_TXN_READ_COMMITTED - Dirty reads are not possible. Nonrepeatable reads, and phantoms are possible.

DB2_I5_TXN_REPEATABLE_READ - Dirty reads and nonrepeatable reads are not possible. Phantoms are possible.

DB2_I5_TXN_SERIALIZABLE - Transactions are serializable. Dirty reads, non-repeatable reads, and phantoms are not possible

DB2_FIRST_IO All queries are optimized with the goal of returning the first page of output as fast as possible. This goal works well when the output is controlled by a user who is most likely to cancel the query after viewing the first page of output data. Queries coded with an OPTIMIZE FOR nnn ROWS clause honor the goal specified by the clause.

DB2_ALL_IO All queries are optimized with the goal of running the entire query to completion in the shortest amount of elapsed time. This is a good option when the output of a query is being written to a file or report, or the interface is queuing the output data. Queries coded with an OPTIMIZE FOR nnn ROWS clause honor the goal specified by the clause. This is the default.

DB2_I5_DBCS_ALLOC_ON value turns on DB2 6X allocation scheme for DBCS translation column size growth.

DB2_I5_DBCS_ALLOC_OFF value turns off DB2 6X allocation scheme for DBCS translation column size growth.

Note: php.ini setting ibm_db2.i5_dbcs_alloc==0 or DB2_I5_DBCS_ALLOC_OFF is the default, but may be overridden with the i5_dbcs_alloc option.

DB2_I5_FMT_ISO - The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) date format yyyy-mm-dd is used. This is the default.

DB2_I5_FMT_USA - The United States date format mm/dd/yyyy is used.

DB2_I5_FMT_EUR - The European date format is used.

DB2_I5_FMT_JIS - The Japanese Industrial Standard date format yyyy-mm-dd is used.

DB2_I5_FMT_MDY - The date format mm/dd/yyyy is used.

DB2_I5_FMT_DMY - The date format dd/mm/yyyy is used.

DB2_I5_FMT_YMD - The date format yy/mm/dd is used.

DB2_I5_FMT_JUL - The Julian date format yy/ddd is used.

DB2_I5_FMT_JOB - The job default is used.

DB2_I5_SEP_SLASH - A slash ( / ) is used as the date separator. This is the default.

DB2_I5_SEP_DASH - A dash ( - ) is used as the date separator.

DB2_I5_SEP_PERIOD - A period ( . ) is used as the date separator.

DB2_I5_SEP_COMMA - A comma ( , ) is used as the date separator.

DB2_I5_SEP_BLANK - A blank is used as the date separator.

DB2_I5_SEP_JOB - The job default is used

DB2_I5_FMT_ISO - The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) time format is used. This is the default.

DB2_I5_FMT_USA - The United States time format hh:mmxx is used, where xx is AM or PM.

DB2_I5_FMT_EUR - The European time format is used.

DB2_I5_FMT_JIS - The Japanese Industrial Standard time format hh:mm:ss is used.

DB2_I5_FMT_HMS - The hh:mm:ss format is used.

DB2_I5_SEP_COLON - A colon ( : ) is used as the time separator. This is the default.

DB2_I5_SEP_PERIOD - A period ( . ) is used as the time separator.

DB2_I5_SEP_COMMA - A comma ( , ) is used as the time separator.

DB2_I5_SEP_BLANK - A blank is used as the time separator.

DB2_I5_SEP_JOB - The job default is used.

DB2_I5_SEP_PERIOD - A period ( . ) is used as the decimal separator. This is the default.

DB2_I5_SEP_COMMA - A comma ( , ) is used as the decimal separator.

DB2_I5_SEP_JOB - The job default is used.

The following new i5/OS option is available in ibm_db2 version 1.8.0 and later.

A character value that indicates the library list that will be used for resolving unqualified file references. Specify the library list elements separated by blanks 'i5_libl'=>"MYLIB YOURLIB ANYLIB".


i5_libl calls qsys2/qcmdexc('cmd',cmdlen), which is only available in i5/OS V5R4 and later.


Returns a connection handle resource if the connection attempt is successful. If the connection attempt fails, <span class="function">db2_connect returns false.


示例 #1 Creating a cataloged connection

Cataloged connections require you to have previously cataloged the target database through the DB2 Command Line Processor (CLP) or DB2 Configuration Assistant.

$database = 'SAMPLE';
$user = 'db2inst1';
$password = 'ibmdb2';

$conn = db2_connect($database, $user, $password);

if ($conn) {
    echo "Connection succeeded.";
else {
    echo "Connection failed.";


Connection succeeded.

示例 #2 Creating an uncataloged connection

An uncataloged connection enables you to dynamically connect to a database.

$database = 'SAMPLE';
$user = 'db2inst1';
$password = 'ibmdb2';
$hostname = 'localhost';
$port = 50000;

$conn_string = "DRIVER={IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER};DATABASE=$database;" .
$conn = db2_connect($conn_string, '', '');

if ($conn) {
    echo "Connection succeeded.";
else {
    echo "Connection failed.";


Connection succeeded.

示例 #3 Creating a connection with autocommit off by default

Passing an array of options to <span class="function">db2_connect enables you to modify the default behavior of the connection handle.

$database = 'SAMPLE';
$user = 'db2inst1';
$password = 'ibmdb2';
$options = array('autocommit' => DB2_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF);

$conn = db2_connect($database, $user, $password, $options);

if ($conn) {
    echo "Connection succeeded.\n";
    if (db2_autocommit($conn)) {
         echo "Autocommit is on.\n";
    else {
         echo "Autocommit is off.\n";
else {
    echo "Connection failed.";


Connection succeeded.
Autocommit is off.

示例 #4 i5/OS best performance

To achieve best performance for your i5/OS ibm_db2 1.5.1 PHP application use the default host, userid, and password for your <span class="function">db2_connect.

  $library = "ADC";
  $i5 = db2_connect("", "", "", array("i5_lib"=>"qsys2"));
  $result = db2_exec($i5, 
       "select * from systables where table_schema = '$library'");
  while ($row = db2_fetch_both($result)) {               
     echo $row['TABLE_NAME']."</br>";                     



示例 #5 Using trusted context

The following example shows how to enable trusted context, switch users, and get the current user ID.


$database = "SAMPLE";
$hostname = "localhost";
$port = 50000;
$authID = "db2inst1";
$auth_pass = "ibmdb2";

$tc_user = "tcuser";
$tc_pass = "tcpassword";

$dsn = "DATABASE=$database;HOSTNAME=$hostname;PORT=$port;
$options = array ("trustedcontext" => DB2_TRUSTED_CONTEXT_ENABLE);

$tc_conn = db2_connect($dsn, "", "", $options);
if($tc_conn) {
    echo "Explicit trusted connection succeeded.\n";

    if(db2_get_option($tc_conn, "trustedcontext")) {
        $userBefore = db2_get_option($tc_conn, "trusted_user");

        //Do some work as user 1.

        //Switching to trusted user.
        $parameters = array("trusted_user" => $tc_user, 
          "trusted_password" => $tcuser_pass);
        $res = db2_set_option ($tc_conn, $parameters, 1);

        $userAfter = db2_get_option($tc_conn, "trusted_user");
        //Do more work as trusted user.

        if($userBefore != $userAfter) {
            echo "User has been switched." . "\n";    

else {
    echo "Explicit trusted connection failed.\n";


Explicit trusted connection succeeded.
User has been switched.


  • db2_close
  • db2_pconnect


Returns the cursor type used by a statement resource


int <span class="methodname">db2_cursor_type ( <span class="methodparam">resource $stmt )

Returns the cursor type used by a statement resource. Use this to determine if you are working with a forward-only cursor or scrollable cursor.


A valid statement resource.


Returns either DB2_FORWARD_ONLY if the statement resource uses a forward-only cursor or DB2_SCROLLABLE if the statement resource uses a scrollable cursor.


  • db2_prepare


Used to escape certain characters


string <span class="methodname">db2_escape_string ( <span class="methodparam">string $string_literal )

Prepends backslashes to special characters in the string argument.


The string that contains special characters that need to be modified. Characters that are prepended with a backslash are \x00, \n, \r, \*, ', " and \x1a*.


Returns string_literal with the special characters noted above prepended with backslashes.


示例 #1 A db2_escape_string example

Result of using the db2_escape_string function


$conn = db2_connect($database, $user, $password);

if ($conn) {
    $str[0] = "All characters: \x00 , \n , \r , \ , ' , \" , \x1a .";
    $str[1] = "Backslash (\). Single quote ('). Double quote (\")";
    $str[2] = "The NULL character \0 must be quoted as well";
    $str[3] = "Intersting characters: \x1a , \x00 .";
    $str[4] = "Nothing to quote";
    $str[5] = 200676;
    $str[6] = "";

    foreach( $str as $string ) {
        echo "db2_escape_string: " . db2_escape_string($string). "\n";


db2_escape_string: All characters: \0 , \n , \r , \\ , \' , \" , \Z .
db2_escape_string: Backslash (\\). Single quote (\'). Double quote (\")
db2_escape_string: The NULL character \0 must be quoted as well
db2_escape_string: Intersting characters: \Z , \0 .
db2_escape_string: Nothing to quote
db2_escape_string: 200676


  • db2_prepare


Executes an SQL statement directly


resource <span class="methodname">db2_exec ( <span class="type">resource $connection , <span class="methodparam">string $statement [, array $options ] )

Executes an SQL statement directly.

If you plan to interpolate PHP variables into the SQL statement, understand that this is one of the more common security exposures. Consider calling db2_prepare to prepare an SQL statement with parameter markers for input values. Then you can call db2_execute to pass in the input values and avoid SQL injection attacks.

If you plan to repeatedly issue the same SQL statement with different parameters, consider calling db2_prepare and db2_execute to enable the database server to reuse its access plan and increase the efficiency of your database access.


A valid database connection resource variable as returned from <span class="function">db2_connect or <span class="function">db2_pconnect.

An SQL statement. The statement cannot contain any parameter markers.

An associative array containing statement options. You can use this parameter to request a scrollable cursor on database servers that support this functionality.

For a description of valid statement options, see <span class="function">db2_set_option.


Returns a statement resource if the SQL statement was issued successfully, or false if the database failed to execute the SQL statement.


示例 #1 Creating a table with <span class="function">db2_exec

The following example uses db2_exec to issue a set of DDL statements in the process of creating a table.

$conn = db2_connect($database, $user, $password);

// Create the test table
$create = 'CREATE TABLE animals (id INTEGER, breed VARCHAR(32),
    name CHAR(16), weight DECIMAL(7,2))';
$result = db2_exec($conn, $create);
if ($result) {
    print "Successfully created the table.\n";

// Populate the test table
$animals = array(
    array(0, 'cat', 'Pook', 3.2),
    array(1, 'dog', 'Peaches', 12.3),
    array(2, 'horse', 'Smarty', 350.0),
    array(3, 'gold fish', 'Bubbles', 0.1),
    array(4, 'budgerigar', 'Gizmo', 0.2),
    array(5, 'goat', 'Rickety Ride', 9.7),
    array(6, 'llama', 'Sweater', 150)

foreach ($animals as $animal) {
    $rc = db2_exec($conn, "INSERT INTO animals (id, breed, name, weight)
      VALUES ({$animal[0]}, '{$animal[1]}', '{$animal[2]}', {$animal[3]})");
    if ($rc) {
        print "Insert... ";


Successfully created the table.
Insert... Insert... Insert... Insert... Insert... Insert... Insert... 

示例 #2 Executing a SELECT statement with a scrollable cursor

The following example demonstrates how to request a scrollable cursor for an SQL statement issued by db2_exec.

$conn = db2_connect($database, $user, $password);
$sql = "SELECT name FROM animals
    WHERE weight < 10.0
    ORDER BY name";
if ($conn) {
    $stmt = db2_exec($conn, $sql, array('cursor' => DB2_SCROLLABLE));
    while ($row = db2_fetch_array($stmt)) {
        print "$row[0]\n";


Rickety Ride

示例 #3 Returning XML data as an SQL ResultSet

The following example demonstrates how to work with documents stored in a XML column using the SAMPLE database. Using some pretty simple SQL/XML, this example returns some of the nodes in a XML document in an SQL ResultSet format that most users are familiar with.


$conn = db2_connect("SAMPLE", "db2inst1", "ibmdb2");

    "CID" VARCHAR (50) PATH \'@Cid\',
    "NAME" VARCHAR (50) PATH \'name\',
    "PHONE" VARCHAR (50) PATH \'phone [ @type = "work"]\'
    ) AS T
    WHERE NAME = \'Kathy Smith\'
$stmt = db2_exec($conn, $query);

while($row = db2_fetch_object($stmt)){
    printf("$row->CID     $row->NAME     $row->PHONE\n");



1000     Kathy Smith     416-555-1358
1001     Kathy Smith     905-555-7258

示例 #4 Performing a "JOIN" with XML data

The following example works with documents stored in 2 different XML columns in the SAMPLE database. It creates 2 temporary tables from the XML documents from 2 different columns and returns an SQL ResultSet with information regarding shipping status for the customer.


$conn = db2_connect("SAMPLE", "db2inst1", "ibmdb2");

$query = '
    "CID" BIGINT PATH \'@Cid\',
    "NAME" VARCHAR (50) PATH \'name\',
    "PHONE" VARCHAR (50) PATH \'phone [ @type = "work"]\'
    ) as A,
    "PONUM"  BIGINT PATH \'@PoNum\',
    "STATUS" VARCHAR (50) PATH \'@Status\'
    ) as C
    A.NAME = \'Kathy Smith\'

$stmt = db2_exec($conn, $query);

while($row = db2_fetch_object($stmt)){
    printf("$row->CID     $row->NAME     $row->PHONE     $row->PONUM     $row->STATUS\n");




1001     Kathy Smith     905-555-7258     5002     Shipped

示例 #5 Returning SQL data as part of a larger XML document

The following example works with a portion of the PRODUCT.DESCRIPTION documents in the SAMPLE database. It creates a XML document containing product description (XML data) and pricing info (SQL data).


$conn = db2_connect("SAMPLE", "db2inst1", "ibmdb2");

$query = '
    declare boundary-space strip;
    declare default element namespace "";
    <promoList> {
    for $prod in $doc/product
    where $prod/description/price < 10.00
    order by $prod/description/price ascending
        <promoitem> {
        <startdate> {$start} </startdate>,
        <enddate> {$end} </enddate>,
        <promoprice> {$promo} </promoprice>
        } </promoitem>
    } </promoList>
\' passing by ref DESCRIPTION AS "doc",
PROMOSTART as "start",
PROMOEND as "end",
PROMOPRICE as "promo"
AS CLOB (32000))
WHERE PID = \'100-100-01\'

$stmt = db2_exec($conn, $query);

while($row = db2_fetch_array($stmt)){



<promoList xmlns="">
    <product pid="100-100-01">
            <name>Snow Shovel, Basic 22 inch</name>
            <details>Basic Snow Shovel, 22 inches wide, straight handle with D-Grip</details>
            <weight>1 kg</weight>


  • db2_execute
  • db2_prepare


Executes a prepared SQL statement


bool <span class="methodname">db2_execute ( <span class="type">resource $stmt [, <span class="methodparam">array $parameters ] )

db2_execute executes an SQL statement that was prepared by db2_prepare.

If the SQL statement returns a result set, for example, a SELECT statement or a CALL to a stored procedure that returns one or more result sets, you can retrieve a row as an array from the stmt resource using db2_fetch_assoc, <span class="function">db2_fetch_both, or <span class="function">db2_fetch_array. Alternatively, you can use db2_fetch_row to move the result set pointer to the next row and fetch a column at a time from that row with db2_result.

Refer to db2_prepare for a brief discussion of the advantages of using <span class="function">db2_prepare and <span class="function">db2_execute rather than <span class="function">db2_exec.


A prepared statement returned from <span class="function">db2_prepare.

An array of input parameters matching any parameter markers contained in the prepared statement.


成功时返回 true, 或者在失败时返回 false


示例 #1 Preparing and executing an SQL statement with parameter markers

The following example prepares an INSERT statement that accepts four parameter markers, then iterates over an array of arrays containing the input values to be passed to db2_execute.

$pet = array(0, 'cat', 'Pook', 3.2);

$insert = 'INSERT INTO animals (id, breed, name, weight)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)';

$stmt = db2_prepare($conn, $insert);
if ($stmt) {
    $result = db2_execute($stmt, $pet);
    if ($result) {
        print "Successfully added new pet.";


Successfully added new pet.

示例 #2 Calling a stored procedure with an OUT parameter

The following example prepares a CALL statement that accepts one parameter marker representing an OUT parameter, binds the PHP variable $my_pets to the parameter using <span class="function">db2_bind_param, then issues <span class="function">db2_execute to execute the CALL statement. After the CALL to the stored procedure has been made, the value of $num_pets changes to reflect the value returned by the stored procedure for that OUT parameter.

$num_pets = 0;
$res = db2_prepare($conn, "CALL count_my_pets(?)");
$rc = db2_bind_param($res, 1, "num_pets", DB2_PARAM_OUT);
$rc = db2_execute($res);
print "I have $num_pets pets!";


I have 7 pets!

示例 #3 Returning XML data as an SQL ResultSet

The following example demonstrates how to work with documents stored in a XML column using the SAMPLE database. Using some pretty simple SQL/XML, this example returns some of the nodes in a XML document in an SQL ResultSet format that most users are familiar with.


$conn = db2_connect("SAMPLE", "db2inst1", "ibmdb2");

    "CID" VARCHAR (50) PATH \'@Cid\',
    "NAME" VARCHAR (50) PATH \'name\',
    "PHONE" VARCHAR (50) PATH \'phone [ @type = "work"]\'
    ) AS T
    WHERE NAME = ?

$stmt = db2_prepare($conn, $query);

$name = 'Kathy Smith';

if ($stmt) {
    db2_bind_param($stmt, 1, "name", DB2_PARAM_IN);

    while($row = db2_fetch_object($stmt)){
    printf("$row->CID     $row->NAME     $row->PHONE\n");



1000     Kathy Smith     416-555-1358
1001     Kathy Smith     905-555-7258

示例 #4 Performing a "JOIN" with XML data

The following example works with documents stored in 2 different XML columns in the SAMPLE database. It creates 2 temporary tables from the XML documents from 2 different columns and returns an SQL ResultSet with information regarding shipping status for the customer.


$conn = db2_connect("SAMPLE", "db2inst1", "ibmdb2");

$query = '
"NAME" VARCHAR (50) PATH \'name\',
"PHONE" VARCHAR (50) PATH \'phone [ @type = "work"]\'
) as A,
"STATUS" VARCHAR (50) PATH \'@Status\'
) as C
    A.NAME = ?

$stmt = db2_prepare($conn, $query);

$name = 'Kathy Smith';

if ($stmt) {
    db2_bind_param($stmt, 1, "name", DB2_PARAM_IN);

    while($row = db2_fetch_object($stmt)){
    printf("$row->CID     $row->NAME     $row->PHONE     $row->PONUM     $row->STATUS\n");




1001     Kathy Smith     905-555-7258     5002     Shipped

示例 #5 Returning SQL data as part of a larger XML document

The following example works with a portion of the PRODUCT.DESCRIPTION documents in the SAMPLE database. It creates a XML document containing product description (XML data) and pricing info (SQL data).


$conn = db2_connect("SAMPLE", "db2inst1", "ibmdb2");

$query = '
    declare boundary-space strip;
    declare default element namespace "";
    <promoList> {
    for $prod in $doc/product
    where $prod/description/price < 10.00
    order by $prod/description/price ascending
        <promoitem> {
        <startdate> {$start} </startdate>,
        <enddate> {$end} </enddate>,
        <promoprice> {$promo} </promoprice>
            } </promoitem>
    } </promoList>
\' passing by ref DESCRIPTION AS "doc",
PROMOSTART as "start",
PROMOEND as "end",
PROMOPRICE as "promo"
AS CLOB (32000))

$stmt = db2_prepare($conn, $query);

$pid = "100-100-01";

if ($stmt) {
    db2_bind_param($stmt, 1, "pid", DB2_PARAM_IN);

    while($row = db2_fetch_array($stmt)){




<promoList xmlns="">
    <product pid="100-100-01">
            <name>Snow Shovel, Basic 22 inch</name>
            <details>Basic Snow Shovel, 22 inches wide, straight handle with D-Grip</details>
            <weight>1 kg</weight>


  • db2_exec
  • db2_fetch_array
  • db2_fetch_assoc
  • db2_fetch_both
  • db2_fetch_row
  • db2_prepare
  • db2_result


Returns an array, indexed by column position, representing a row in a result set


array <span class="methodname">db2_fetch_array ( <span class="methodparam">resource $stmt [, int $row_number = -1 ] )

Returns an array, indexed by column position, representing a row in a result set. The columns are 0-indexed.


A valid stmt resource containing a result set.

Requests a specific 1-indexed row from the result set. Passing this parameter results in a PHP warning if the result set uses a forward-only cursor.


Returns a 0-indexed array with column values indexed by the column position representing the next or requested row in the result set. Returns false if there are no rows left in the result set, or if the row requested by row_number does not exist in the result set.


示例 #1 Iterating through a forward-only cursor

If you call db2_fetch_array without a specific row number, it automatically retrieves the next row in the result set.


$sql = "SELECT id, name, breed, weight FROM animals ORDER BY breed";
$stmt = db2_prepare($conn, $sql);
$result = db2_execute($stmt);

while ($row = db2_fetch_array($stmt)) {
    printf ("%-5d %-16s %-32s %10s\n", 
        $row[0], $row[1], $row[2], $row[3]);


0     Pook             cat                                    3.20
5     Rickety Ride     goat                                   9.70
2     Smarty           horse                                350.00

示例 #2 Retrieving specific rows with <span class="function">db2_fetch_array from a scrollable cursor

If your result set uses a scrollable cursor, you can call <span class="function">db2_fetch_array with a specific row number. The following example retrieves every other row in the result set, starting with the second row.


$sql = "SELECT id, name, breed, weight FROM animals ORDER BY breed";
$result = db2_exec($stmt, $sql, array('cursor' => DB2_SCROLLABLE));

while ($row = db2_fetch_array($result, $i)) {
    printf ("%-5d %-16s %-32s %10s\n", 
        $row[0], $row[1], $row[2], $row[3]);
    $i = $i + 2;


0     Pook             cat                                    3.20
5     Rickety Ride     goat                                   9.70
2     Smarty           horse                                350.00


  • db2_fetch_assoc
  • db2_fetch_both
  • db2_fetch_object
  • db2_fetch_row
  • db2_result


Returns an array, indexed by column name, representing a row in a result set


array <span class="methodname">db2_fetch_assoc ( <span class="methodparam">resource $stmt [, int $row_number = -1 ] )

Returns an array, indexed by column name, representing a row in a result set.


A valid stmt resource containing a result set.

Requests a specific 1-indexed row from the result set. Passing this parameter results in a PHP warning if the result set uses a forward-only cursor.


Returns an associative array with column values indexed by the column name representing the next or requested row in the result set. Returns false if there are no rows left in the result set, or if the row requested by row_number does not exist in the result set.


示例 #1 Iterating through a forward-only cursor

If you call db2_fetch_assoc without a specific row number, it automatically retrieves the next row in the result set.


$sql = "SELECT id, name, breed, weight FROM animals ORDER BY breed";
$stmt = db2_prepare($conn, $sql);
$result = db2_execute($stmt);

while ($row = db2_fetch_assoc($stmt)) {
    printf ("%-5d %-16s %-32s %10s\n", 
        $row['ID'], $row['NAME'], $row['BREED'], $row['WEIGHT']);


0     Pook             cat                                    3.20
5     Rickety Ride     goat                                   9.70
2     Smarty           horse                                350.00

示例 #2 Retrieving specific rows with <span class="function">db2_fetch_assoc from a scrollable cursor

If your result set uses a scrollable cursor, you can call <span class="function">db2_fetch_assoc with a specific row number. The following example retrieves every other row in the result set, starting with the second row.


$sql = "SELECT id, name, breed, weight FROM animals ORDER BY breed";
$result = db2_exec($stmt, $sql, array('cursor' => DB2_SCROLLABLE));

while ($row = db2_fetch_assoc($result, $i)) {
    printf ("%-5d %-16s %-32s %10s\n", 
        $row['ID'], $row['NAME'], $row['BREED'], $row['WEIGHT']);
    $i = $i + 2;


0     Pook             cat                                    3.20
5     Rickety Ride     goat                                   9.70
2     Smarty           horse                                350.00


  • db2_fetch_array
  • db2_fetch_both
  • db2_fetch_object
  • db2_fetch_row
  • db2_result


Returns an array, indexed by both column name and position, representing a row in a result set


array <span class="methodname">db2_fetch_both ( <span class="methodparam">resource $stmt [, int $row_number = -1 ] )

Returns an array, indexed by both column name and position, representing a row in a result set. Note that the row returned by <span class="function">db2_fetch_both requires more memory than the single-indexed arrays returned by <span class="function">db2_fetch_assoc or <span class="function">db2_fetch_array.


A valid stmt resource containing a result set.

Requests a specific 1-indexed row from the result set. Passing this parameter results in a PHP warning if the result set uses a forward-only cursor.


Returns an associative array with column values indexed by both the column name and 0-indexed column number. The array represents the next or requested row in the result set. Returns false if there are no rows left in the result set, or if the row requested by row_number does not exist in the result set.


示例 #1 Iterating through a forward-only cursor

If you call db2_fetch_both without a specific row number, it automatically retrieves the next row in the result set. The following example accesses columns in the returned array by both column name and by numeric index.


$sql = "SELECT id, name, breed, weight FROM animals ORDER BY breed";
$stmt = db2_prepare($conn, $sql);
$result = db2_execute($stmt);

while ($row = db2_fetch_both($stmt)) {
    printf ("%-5d %-16s %-32s %10s\n", 
        $row['ID'], $row[0], $row['BREED'], $row[3]);


0     Pook             cat                                    3.20
5     Rickety Ride     goat                                   9.70
2     Smarty           horse                                350.00

示例 #2 Retrieving specific rows with <span class="function">db2_fetch_both from a scrollable cursor

If your result set uses a scrollable cursor, you can call <span class="function">db2_fetch_both with a specific row number. The following example retrieves every other row in the result set, starting with the second row.


$sql = "SELECT id, name, breed, weight FROM animals ORDER BY breed";
$result = db2_exec($stmt, $sql, array('cursor' => DB2_SCROLLABLE));

while ($row = db2_fetch_both($result, $i)) {
    printf ("%-5d %-16s %-32s %10s\n", 
        $row[0], $row['NAME'], $row[2], $row['WEIGHT']);
    $i = $i + 2;


0     Pook             cat                                    3.20
5     Rickety Ride     goat                                   9.70
2     Smarty           horse                                350.00


  • db2_fetch_array
  • db2_fetch_assoc
  • db2_fetch_object
  • db2_fetch_row
  • db2_result


Returns an object with properties representing columns in the fetched row


object <span class="methodname">db2_fetch_object ( <span class="methodparam">resource $stmt [, int $row_number = -1 ] )

Returns an object in which each property represents a column returned in the row fetched from a result set.


A valid stmt resource containing a result set.

Requests a specific 1-indexed row from the result set. Passing this parameter results in a PHP warning if the result set uses a forward-only cursor.


Returns an object representing a single row in the result set. The properties of the object map to the names of the columns in the result set.

The IBM DB2, Cloudscape, and Apache Derby database servers typically fold column names to upper-case, so the object properties will reflect that case.

If your SELECT statement calls a scalar function to modify the value of a column, the database servers return the column number as the name of the column in the result set. If you prefer a more descriptive column name and object property, you can use the AS clause to assign a name to the column in the result set.

Returns false if no row was retrieved.


示例 #1 A db2_fetch_object example

The following example issues a SELECT statement with a scalar function, RTRIM, that removes whitespace from the end of the column. Rather than creating an object with the properties "BREED" and "2", we use the AS clause in the SELECT statement to assign the name "name" to the modified column. The database server folds the column names to upper-case, resulting in an object with the properties "BREED" and "NAME".

$conn = db2_connect($database, $user, $password);

$sql = "SELECT breed, RTRIM(name) AS name
    FROM animals
    WHERE id = ?";

if ($conn) {
    $stmt = db2_prepare($conn, $sql);
    db2_execute($stmt, array(0));

    while ($pet = db2_fetch_object($stmt)) {
        echo "Come here, {$pet->NAME}, my little {$pet->BREED}!";


Come here, Pook, my little cat!


  • db2_fetch_array
  • db2_fetch_assoc
  • db2_fetch_both
  • db2_fetch_row
  • db2_result


Sets the result set pointer to the next row or requested row


bool <span class="methodname">db2_fetch_row ( <span class="methodparam">resource $stmt [, int $row_number ] )

Use db2_fetch_row to iterate through a result set, or to point to a specific row in a result set if you requested a scrollable cursor.

To retrieve individual fields from the result set, call the <span class="function">db2_result function.

Rather than calling db2_fetch_row and db2_result, most applications will call one of db2_fetch_assoc, <span class="function">db2_fetch_both, or <span class="function">db2_fetch_array to advance the result set pointer and return a complete row as an array.


A valid stmt resource.

With scrollable cursors, you can request a specific row number in the result set. Row numbering is 1-indexed.


Returns true if the requested row exists in the result set. Returns false if the requested row does not exist in the result set.


示例 #1 Iterating through a result set

The following example demonstrates how to iterate through a result set with db2_fetch_row and retrieve columns from the result set with db2_result.

$sql = 'SELECT name, breed FROM animals WHERE weight < ?';
$stmt = db2_prepare($conn, $sql);
db2_execute($stmt, array(10));
while (db2_fetch_row($stmt)) {
    $name = db2_result($stmt, 0);
    $breed = db2_result($stmt, 1);
    print "$name $breed";


cat Pook
gold fish Bubbles
budgerigar Gizmo
goat Rickety Ride

示例 #2 i5/OS recommended alternatives to db2_fetch_row/db2_result

On i5/OS it is recommended that you use <span class="function">db2_fetch_both, <span class="function">db2_fetch_array, or <span class="function">db2_fetch_object over <span class="function">db2_fetch_row/<span class="function">db2_result. In general <span class="function">db2_fetch_row/<span class="function">db2_result have more issues with various column types in EBCIDIC to ASCII translation, including possible truncation in DBCS applications. You may also find the performance of <span class="function">db2_fetch_both, <span class="function">db2_fetch_array, and <span class="function">db2_fetch_object to be superior to <span class="function">db2_fetch_row/<span class="function">db2_result.

  $conn = db2_connect("","","");
  $stmt = db2_exec($conn, $sql, array('cursor' => DB2_SCROLLABLE));
  while ($row = db2_fetch_both($stmt)){
    echo "<br>db2_fetch_both {$row['SPECIFIC_NAME']} {$row['ROUTINE_CREATED']} {$row[5]}";
  $stmt = db2_exec($conn, $sql, array('cursor' => DB2_SCROLLABLE));
  while ($row = db2_fetch_array($stmt)){
    echo "<br>db2_fetch_array {$row[1]}  {$row[5]}";
  $stmt = db2_exec($conn, $sql, array('cursor' => DB2_SCROLLABLE));
  while ($row = db2_fetch_object($stmt)){
    echo "<br>db2_fetch_object {$row->SPECIFIC_NAME} {$row->ROUTINE_CREATED}";


db2_fetch_both MATCH_ANIMAL 2006-08-25- 2006-08-25-
db2_fetch_both MULTIRESULTS 2006-10-17- 2006-10-17-
db2_fetch_array MATCH_ANIMAL 2006-08-25-
db2_fetch_array MULTIRESULTS 2006-10-17-
db2_fetch_object MATCH_ANIMAL 2006-08-25-
db2_fetch_object MULTIRESULTS 2006-10-17-


  • db2_fetch_array
  • db2_fetch_assoc
  • db2_fetch_both
  • db2_fetch_object
  • db2_result


Returns the maximum number of bytes required to display a column


int <span class="methodname">db2_field_display_size ( <span class="methodparam">resource $stmt , mixed $column )

Returns the maximum number of bytes required to display a column in a result set.


Specifies a statement resource containing a result set.

Specifies the column in the result set. This can either be an integer representing the 0-indexed position of the column, or a string containing the name of the column.


Returns an integer value with the maximum number of bytes required to display the specified column. If the column does not exist in the result set, db2_field_display_size returns false.


  • db2_field_name
  • db2_field_num
  • db2_field_precision
  • db2_field_scale
  • db2_field_type
  • db2_field_width


Returns the name of the column in the result set


string <span class="methodname">db2_field_name ( <span class="methodparam">resource $stmt , mixed $column )

Returns the name of the specified column in the result set.


Specifies a statement resource containing a result set.

Specifies the column in the result set. This can either be an integer representing the 0-indexed position of the column, or a string containing the name of the column.


Returns a string containing the name of the specified column. If the specified column does not exist in the result set, <span class="function">db2_field_name returns false.


  • db2_field_display_size
  • db2_field_num
  • db2_field_precision
  • db2_field_scale
  • db2_field_type
  • db2_field_width


Returns the position of the named column in a result set


int <span class="methodname">db2_field_num ( <span class="methodparam">resource $stmt , mixed $column )

Returns the position of the named column in a result set.


Specifies a statement resource containing a result set.

Specifies the column in the result set. This can either be an integer representing the 0-indexed position of the column, or a string containing the name of the column.


Returns an integer containing the 0-indexed position of the named column in the result set. If the specified column does not exist in the result set, db2_field_num returns false.


  • db2_field_display_size
  • db2_field_name
  • db2_field_precision
  • db2_field_scale
  • db2_field_type
  • db2_field_width


Returns the precision of the indicated column in a result set


int <span class="methodname">db2_field_precision ( <span class="methodparam">resource $stmt , mixed $column )

Returns the precision of the indicated column in a result set.


Specifies a statement resource containing a result set.

Specifies the column in the result set. This can either be an integer representing the 0-indexed position of the column, or a string containing the name of the column.


Returns an integer containing the precision of the specified column. If the specified column does not exist in the result set, <span class="function">db2_field_precision returns false.


  • db2_field_display_size
  • db2_field_name
  • db2_field_num
  • db2_field_scale
  • db2_field_type
  • db2_field_width


Returns the scale of the indicated column in a result set


int <span class="methodname">db2_field_scale ( <span class="methodparam">resource $stmt , mixed $column )

Returns the scale of the indicated column in a result set.


Specifies a statement resource containing a result set.

Specifies the column in the result set. This can either be an integer representing the 0-indexed position of the column, or a string containing the name of the column.


Returns an integer containing the scale of the specified column. If the specified column does not exist in the result set, <span class="function">db2_field_scale returns false.


  • db2_field_display_size
  • db2_field_name
  • db2_field_num
  • db2_field_precision
  • db2_field_type
  • db2_field_width


Returns the data type of the indicated column in a result set


string <span class="methodname">db2_field_type ( <span class="methodparam">resource $stmt , mixed $column )

Returns the data type of the indicated column in a result set.


Specifies a statement resource containing a result set.

Specifies the column in the result set. This can either be an integer representing the 0-indexed position of the column, or a string containing the name of the column.


Returns a string containing the defined data type of the specified column. If the specified column does not exist in the result set, <span class="function">db2_field_type returns false.


  • db2_field_display_size
  • db2_field_name
  • db2_field_num
  • db2_field_precision
  • db2_field_scale
  • db2_field_width


Returns the width of the current value of the indicated column in a result set


int <span class="methodname">db2_field_width ( <span class="methodparam">resource $stmt , mixed $column )

Returns the width of the current value of the indicated column in a result set. This is the maximum width of the column for a fixed-length data type, or the actual width of the column for a variable-length data type.


Specifies a statement resource containing a result set.

Specifies the column in the result set. This can either be an integer representing the 0-indexed position of the column, or a string containing the name of the column.


Returns an integer containing the width of the specified character or binary data type column in a result set. If the specified column does not exist in the result set, <span class="function">db2_field_width returns false.


  • db2_field_display_size
  • db2_field_name
  • db2_field_num
  • db2_field_precision
  • db2_field_scale
  • db2_field_type


Returns a result set listing the foreign keys for a table


resource <span class="methodname">db2_foreign_keys ( <span class="methodparam">resource $connection , <span class="type">string $qualifier , <span class="methodparam">string $schema , string $table-name )

Returns a result set listing the foreign keys for a table.


A valid connection to an IBM DB2, Cloudscape, or Apache Derby database.

A qualifier for DB2 databases running on OS/390 or z/OS servers. For other databases, pass null or an empty string.

The schema which contains the tables. If schema is null, <span class="function">db2_foreign_keys matches the schema for the current connection.

The name of the table.


Returns a statement resource with a result set containing rows describing the foreign keys for the specified table. The result set is composed of the following columns:

Column name Description
PKTABLE_CAT Name of the catalog for the table containing the primary key. The value is NULL if this table does not have catalogs.
PKTABLE_SCHEM Name of the schema for the table containing the primary key.
PKTABLE_NAME Name of the table containing the primary key.
PKCOLUMN_NAME Name of the column containing the primary key.
FKTABLE_CAT Name of the catalog for the table containing the foreign key. The value is NULL if this table does not have catalogs.
FKTABLE_SCHEM Name of the schema for the table containing the foreign key.
FKTABLE_NAME Name of the table containing the foreign key.
FKCOLUMN_NAME Name of the column containing the foreign key.
KEY_SEQ 1-indexed position of the column in the key.
UPDATE_RULE Integer value representing the action applied to the foreign key when the SQL operation is UPDATE.
DELETE_RULE Integer value representing the action applied to the foreign key when the SQL operation is DELETE.
FK_NAME The name of the foreign key.
PK_NAME The name of the primary key.
DEFERRABILITY An integer value representing whether the foreign key deferrability is SQL_INITIALLY_DEFERRED, SQL_INITIALLY_IMMEDIATE, or SQL_NOT_DEFERRABLE.


  • db2_column_privileges
  • db2_columns
  • db2_primary_keys
  • db2_procedure_columns
  • db2_procedures
  • db2_special_columns
  • db2_statistics
  • db2_table_privileges
  • db2_tables


Frees resources associated with a result set


bool <span class="methodname">db2_free_result ( <span class="methodparam">resource $stmt )

Frees the system and database resources that are associated with a result set. These resources are freed implicitly when a script finishes, but you can call db2_free_result to explicitly free the result set resources before the end of the script.


A valid statement resource.


成功时返回 true, 或者在失败时返回 false


  • db2_free_stmt


Frees resources associated with the indicated statement resource


bool <span class="methodname">db2_free_stmt ( <span class="methodparam">resource $stmt )

Frees the system and database resources that are associated with a statement resource. These resources are freed implicitly when a script finishes, but you can call db2_free_stmt to explicitly free the statement resources before the end of the script.


A valid statement resource.


成功时返回 true, 或者在失败时返回 false


  • db2_free_result


Retrieves an option value for a statement resource or a connection resource


string<span class="type">false <span class="methodname">db2_get_option ( <span class="methodparam">resource $resource , <span class="type">string $option )

Retrieves the value of a specified option value for a statement resource or a connection resource.


A valid statement resource as returned from <span class="function">db2_prepare or a valid connection resource as returned from db2_connect or <span class="function">db2_pconnect.

A valid statement or connection options. The following new options are available as of ibm_db2 version 1.6.0. They provide useful tracking information that can be set during execution with <span class="function">db2_get_option.


Prior versions of ibm_db2 do not support these new options.

When the value in each option is being set, some servers might not handle the entire length provided and might truncate the value.

To ensure that the data specified in each option is converted correctly when transmitted to a host system, use only the characters A through Z, 0 through 9, and the underscore (_) or period (.).

SQL_ATTR_INFO_USERID - A pointer to a null-terminated character string used to identify the client user ID sent to the host database server when using DB2 Connect.


DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 servers support up to a length of 16 characters. This user-id is not to be confused with the authentication user-id, it is for identification purposes only and is not used for any authorization.

SQL_ATTR_INFO_ACCTSTR - A pointer to a null-terminated character string used to identify the client accounting string sent to the host database server when using DB2 Connect.


DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 servers support up to a length of 200 characters.

SQL_ATTR_INFO_APPLNAME - A pointer to a null-terminated character string used to identify the client application name sent to the host database server when using DB2 Connect.


DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 servers support up to a length of 32 characters.

SQL_ATTR_INFO_WRKSTNNAME - A pointer to a null-terminated character string used to identify the client workstation name sent to the host database server when using DB2 Connect.


DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 servers support up to a length of 18 characters.

The following table specifies which options are compatible with the available resource types:

Resource-Parameter Matrix



Resource Type





Result Set






















Returns the current setting of the connection attribute provided on success 或者在失败时返回 false.


示例 #1 Setting and retrieving parameters through a connection resource

/* Database Connection Parameters */
$database = 'SAMPLE';
$user     = 'db2inst1';
$password = 'ibmdb2';

/* Obtain Connection Resource */
$conn = db2_connect($database, $user, $password);

echo "Client attributes passed through connection string:\n";

/* Create the associative options array with valid key-value pairs */
/* Assign the attributes through connection string */
/* Access the options specified */
$options1 = array('userid' => 'db2inst1');
$conn1 = db2_connect($database, $user, $password, $options1);
$val = db2_get_option($conn1, 'userid');
echo $val . "\n";

$options2 = array('acctstr' => 'account');
$conn2 = db2_connect($database, $user, $password, $options2);
$val = db2_get_option($conn2, 'acctstr');
echo $val . "\n";

$options3 = array('applname' => 'myapp');
$conn3 = db2_connect($database, $user, $password, $options3);
$val = db2_get_option($conn3, 'applname');
echo $val . "\n";

$options4 = array('wrkstnname' => 'workstation');
$conn4 = db2_connect($database, $user, $password, $options4);
$val = db2_get_option($conn4, 'wrkstnname');
echo $val . "\n";

echo "Client attributes passed post-connection:\n";

/* Create the associative options array with valid key-value pairs */
/* Assign the attributes after a connection is made */
/* Access the options specified */
$options5 = array('userid' => 'db2inst1');
$conn5 = db2_connect($database, $user, $password);
$rc = db2_set_option($conn5, $options5, 1);
$val = db2_get_option($conn5, 'userid');
echo $val . "\n";

$options6 = array('acctstr' => 'account');
$conn6 = db2_connect($database, $user, $password);
$rc = db2_set_option($conn6, $options6, 1);
$val = db2_get_option($conn6, 'acctstr');
echo $val . "\n";

$options7 = array('applname' => 'myapp');
$conn7 = db2_connect($database, $user, $password);
$rc = db2_set_option($conn7, $options7, 1);
$val = db2_get_option($conn7, 'applname');
echo $val . "\n";

$options8 = array('wrkstnname' => 'workstation');
$conn8 = db2_connect($database, $user, $password);
$rc = db2_set_option($conn8, $options8, 1);
$val = db2_get_option($conn8, 'wrkstnname');
echo $val . "\n";


Client attributes passed through connection string:
Client attributes passed post-connection:


  • db2_connect
  • db2_cursor_type
  • db2_exec
  • db2_set_option
  • db2_pconnect
  • db2_prepare


Returns the auto generated ID of the last insert query that successfully executed on this connection


string <span class="methodname">db2_last_insert_id ( <span class="methodparam">resource $resource )

Returns the auto generated ID of the last insert query that successfully executed on this connection.

The result of this function is not affected by any of the following:

  • A single row INSERT statement with a VALUES clause for a table without an identity column.

  • A multiple row INSERT statement with a VALUES clause.

  • An INSERT statement with a fullselect.



A valid connection resource as returned from <span class="function">db2_connect or <span class="function">db2_pconnect. The value of this parameter cannot be a statement resource or result set resource.


Returns the auto generated ID of last insert query that successfully executed on this connection.


示例 #1 A db2_last_insert_id example

The following example shows how to return the auto generated ID of last insert query that successfully executed on this connection.


$database = "SAMPLE";
$user = "db2inst1";
$password = "ibmdb2";

$conn = db2_connect($database, $user, $password);
if($conn) {
    $createTable = "CREATE TABLE lastInsertID 
      (id integer GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY, name varchar(20))";
    $insertTable = "INSERT INTO lastInsertID (name) VALUES ('Temp Name')";

    $stmt = @db2_exec($conn, $createTable);

    /* Checking for single row inserted. */
    $stmt = db2_exec($conn, $insertTable);
    $ret =  db2_last_insert_id($conn);
    if($ret) {
        echo "Last Insert ID is : " . $ret . "\n";
    } else {
        echo "No Last insert ID.\n";

else {
    echo "Connection failed.";


Last Insert ID is : 1


Gets a user defined size of LOB files with each invocation


string <span class="methodname">db2_lob_read ( <span class="methodparam">resource $stmt , int $colnum , int $length )

Use db2_lob_read to iterate through a specified column of a result set and retrieve a user defined size of LOB data.


A valid stmt resource containing LOB data.

A valid column number in the result set of the stmt resource.

The size of the LOB data to be retrieved from the stmt resource.


Returns the amount of data the user specifies. Returns false if the data cannot be retrieved.


示例 #1 Iterating through different types of data


/* Database Connection Parameters */
$db = 'SAMPLE';
$username = 'db2inst1';
$password = 'ibmdb2';

/* Obtain Connection Resource */
$conn = db2_connect($db,$username,$password);

if ($conn) {
    $drop = 'DROP TABLE clob_stream';
    $result = @db2_exec( $conn, $drop );

    $create = 'CREATE TABLE clob_stream (id INTEGER, my_clob CLOB)';
    $result = db2_exec( $conn, $create );

    $variable = "";
    $stmt = db2_prepare($conn, "INSERT INTO clob_stream (id,my_clob) VALUES (1, ?)");
    $variable = "THIS IS A CLOB TEST. THIS IS A CLOB TEST.";
    db2_bind_param($stmt, 1, "variable", DB2_PARAM_IN);

    $sql = "SELECT id,my_clob FROM clob_stream";
    $result = db2_prepare($conn, $sql);
    $i = 0;
    /* Read LOB data */
    while ($data = db2_lob_read($result, 2, 6)) {
        echo "Loop $i: $data\n";
        $i = $i + 1;

    $drop = 'DROP TABLE blob_stream';
    $result = @db2_exec( $conn, $drop );

    $create = 'CREATE TABLE blob_stream (id INTEGER, my_blob CLOB)';
    $result = db2_exec( $conn, $create );

    $variable = "";
    $stmt = db2_prepare($conn, "INSERT INTO blob_stream (id,my_blob) VALUES (1, ?)");
    $variable = "THIS IS A BLOB TEST. THIS IS A BLOB TEST.";
    db2_bind_param($stmt, 1, "variable", DB2_PARAM_IN);

    $sql = "SELECT id,my_blob FROM blob_stream";
    $result = db2_prepare($conn, $sql);
    $i = 0;
    /* Read LOB data */
    while ($data = db2_lob_read($result, 2, 6)) {
        echo "Loop $i: $data\n";
        $i = $i + 1;
} else {
    echo 'no connection: ' . db2_conn_errormsg();



Loop 0: THIS I
Loop 1: S A CL
Loop 2: OB TES
Loop 3: T. THI
Loop 4: S IS A
Loop 5:  CLOB 
Loop 6: TEST.
Loop 0: THIS I
Loop 1: S A BL
Loop 2: OB TES
Loop 3: T. THI
Loop 4: S IS A
Loop 5:  BLOB 
Loop 6: TEST.


  • db2_bind_param
  • db2_exec
  • db2_execute
  • db2_fetch_row
  • db2_prepare
  • db2_result


Requests the next result set from a stored procedure


resource <span class="methodname">db2_next_result ( <span class="methodparam">resource $stmt )

A stored procedure can return zero or more result sets. While you handle the first result set in exactly the same way you would handle the results returned by a simple SELECT statement, to fetch the second and subsequent result sets from a stored procedure you must call the <span class="function">db2_next_result function and return the result to a uniquely named PHP variable.


A prepared statement returned from <span class="function">db2_exec or <span class="function">db2_execute.


Returns a new statement resource containing the next result set if the stored procedure returned another result set. Returns false if the stored procedure did not return another result set.


示例 #1 Calling a stored procedure that returns multiple result sets

In the following example, we call a stored procedure that returns three result sets. The first result set is fetched directly from the same statement resource on which we invoked the CALL statement, while the second and third result sets are fetched from statement resources returned from our calls to the <span class="function">db2_next_result function.

$conn = db2_connect($database, $user, $password);

if ($conn) {
  $stmt = db2_exec($conn, 'CALL multiResults()');

  print "Fetching first result set\n";
  while ($row = db2_fetch_array($stmt)) {

  print "\nFetching second result set\n";
  $res = db2_next_result($stmt);
  if ($res) {
    while ($row = db2_fetch_array($res)) {

  print "\nFetching third result set\n";
  $res2 = db2_next_result($stmt);
  if ($res2) {
    while ($row = db2_fetch_array($res2)) {



Fetching first result set
array(2) {
  string(16) "Bubbles         "
array(2) {
  string(16) "Gizmo           "

Fetching second result set
array(4) {
  string(16) "Sweater         "
  string(5) "llama"
  string(6) "150.00"
array(4) {
  string(16) "Smarty          "
  string(5) "horse"
  string(6) "350.00"

Fetching third result set
array(1) {
  string(16) "Bubbles         "
array(1) {
  string(16) "Gizmo           "


Returns the number of fields contained in a result set


int <span class="methodname">db2_num_fields ( <span class="methodparam">resource $stmt )

Returns the number of fields contained in a result set. This is most useful for handling the result sets returned by dynamically generated queries, or for result sets returned by stored procedures, where your application cannot otherwise know how to retrieve and use the results.


A valid statement resource containing a result set.


Returns an integer value representing the number of fields in the result set associated with the specified statement resource. Returns false if the statement resource is not a valid input value.


示例 #1 Retrieving the number of fields in a result set

The following example demonstrates how to retrieve the number of fields returned in a result set.


$sql = "SELECT id, name, breed, weight FROM animals ORDER BY breed";
$stmt = db2_prepare($conn, $sql);
db2_execute($stmt, $sql);
$columns = db2_num_fields($stmt);

echo "There are {$columns} columns in the result set.";


There are 4 columns in the result set.


  • db2_execute
  • db2_field_display_size
  • db2_field_name
  • db2_field_num
  • db2_field_precision
  • db2_field_scale
  • db2_field_type
  • db2_field_width


Returns the number of rows affected by an SQL statement


int <span class="methodname">db2_num_rows ( <span class="methodparam">resource $stmt )

Returns the number of rows deleted, inserted, or updated by an SQL statement.

To determine the number of rows that will be returned by a SELECT statement, issue SELECT COUNT(*) with the same predicates as your intended SELECT statement and retrieve the value.

If your application logic checks the number of rows returned by a SELECT statement and branches if the number of rows is 0, consider modifying your application to attempt to return the first row with one of <span class="function">db2_fetch_assoc, <span class="function">db2_fetch_both, <span class="function">db2_fetch_array, or <span class="function">db2_fetch_row, and branch if the fetch function returns false.


If you issue a SELECT statement using a scrollable cursor, <span class="function">db2_num_rows returns the number of rows returned by the SELECT statement. However, the overhead associated with scrollable cursors significantly degrades the performance of your application, so if this is the only reason you are considering using scrollable cursors, you should use a forward-only cursor and either call SELECT COUNT(*) or rely on the bool return value of the fetch functions to achieve the equivalent functionality with much better performance.


A valid stmt resource containing a result set.


Returns the number of rows affected by the last SQL statement issued by the specified statement handle.


Closes a persistent database connection


bool <span class="methodname">db2_pclose ( <span class="type">resource $resource )

This function closes a DB2 client connection created with <span class="function">db2_pconnect and returns the corresponding resources to the database server.


This function is only available on i5/OS in response to i5/OS system administration requests.

If you have a persistent DB2 client connection created with <span class="function">db2_pconnect, you may use this function to close the connection. To avoid substantial connection performance penalties, this function should only be used in rare cases when the persistent connection has become unresponsive or the persistent connection will not be needed for a long period of time.


Specifies an active DB2 client connection.


成功时返回 true, 或者在失败时返回 false


示例 #1 Closing a persistent connection

The following example demonstrates a successful attempt to close a connection to an IBM DB2 i5/OS database.

$conn = db2_pconnect('', '', '');
$rc = db2_pclose($conn);
if ($rc) {
    echo "Connection was successfully closed.";


Connection was successfully closed.


  • db2_close
  • db2_pconnect


Returns a persistent connection to a database


resource <span class="methodname">db2_pconnect ( <span class="methodparam">string $database , string $username , <span class="type">string $password [, <span class="methodparam">array $options ] )

Returns a persistent connection to an IBM DB2 Universal Database, IBM Cloudscape, or Apache Derby database.

For more information on persistent connections, refer to 数据库持久连接.

Calling db2_close on a persistent connection always returns true, but the underlying DB2 client connection remains open and waiting to serve the next matching <span class="function">db2_pconnect request.

Users running version 1.9.0 or later of ibm_db2 should be aware that the extension will perform a transaction rollback on persistent connections at the end of a request, thus ending the transaction. This prevents the transaction block from carrying over to the next request which uses that connection if script execution ends before the transaction block does.


The database alias in the DB2 client catalog.

The username with which you are connecting to the database.

The password with which you are connecting to the database.

An associative array of connection options that affect the behavior of the connection, where valid array keys include:

Passing the DB2_AUTOCOMMIT_ON value turns autocommit on for this connection handle.

Passing the DB2_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF value turns autocommit off for this connection handle.

Passing the DB2_CASE_NATURAL value specifies that column names are returned in natural case.

Passing the DB2_CASE_LOWER value specifies that column names are returned in lower case.

Passing the DB2_CASE_UPPER value specifies that column names are returned in upper case.

Passing the DB2_FORWARD_ONLY value specifies a forward-only cursor for a statement resource. This is the default cursor type and is supported on all database servers.

Passing the DB2_SCROLLABLE value specifies a scrollable cursor for a statement resource. This mode enables random access to rows in a result set, but currently is supported only by IBM DB2 Universal Database.

The following new option is available in ibm_db2 version 1.7.0 and later.

Passing the DB2_TRUSTED_CONTEXT_ENABLE value turns trusted context on for this connection handle. This parameter cannot be set using <span class="function">db2_set_option.

This key works only if the database is cataloged (even if the database is local), or if you specify the full DSN when you create the connection.

To catalog the database, use following commands:

db2 catalog tcpip node loopback remote <SERVERNAME> server <SERVICENAME>
db2 catalog database <LOCALDBNAME> as <REMOTEDBNAME> at node loopback
db2 "update dbm cfg using svcename <SERVICENAME>"

The following new i5/OS options are available in ibm_db2 version 1.5.1 and later.

小贴士 Conflicting connection attributes used in conjunction with persistent connections can produce indeterminate results on i5/OS. Site policies should be establish for all applications using each persistent connection user profile. The default DB2_AUTOCOMMIT_ON is suggested when using persistent connections.

A character value that indicates the default library that will be used for resolving unqualified file references. This is not valid if the connection is using system naming mode.

DB2_I5_NAMING_ON value turns on DB2 UDB CLI iSeries system naming mode. Files are qualified using the slash (/) delimiter. Unqualified files are resolved using the library list for the job.

DB2_I5_NAMING_OFF value turns off DB2 UDB CLI default naming mode, which is SQL naming. Files are qualified using the period (.) delimiter. Unqualified files are resolved using either the default library or the current user ID.

The i5_commit attribute should be set before the <span class="function">db2_pconnect. If the value is changed after the connection has been established, and the connection is to a remote data source, the change does not take effect until the next successful <span class="function">db2_pconnect for the connection handle.


The php.ini setting ibm_db2.i5_allow_commit==0 or DB2_I5_TXN_NO_COMMIT is the default, but may be overridden with the i5_commit option.

DB2_I5_TXN_NO_COMMIT - Commitment control is not used.

DB2_I5_TXN_READ_UNCOMMITTED - Dirty reads, nonrepeatable reads, and phantoms are possible.

DB2_I5_TXN_READ_COMMITTED - Dirty reads are not possible. Nonrepeatable reads, and phantoms are possible.

DB2_I5_TXN_REPEATABLE_READ - Dirty reads and nonrepeatable reads are not possible. Phantoms are possible.

DB2_I5_TXN_SERIALIZABLE - Transactions are serializable. Dirty reads, non-repeatable reads, and phantoms are not possible

DB2_FIRST_IO All queries are optimized with the goal of returning the first page of output as fast as possible. This goal works well when the output is controlled by a user who is most likely to cancel the query after viewing the first page of output data. Queries coded with an OPTIMIZE FOR nnn ROWS clause honor the goal specified by the clause.

DB2_ALL_IO All queries are optimized with the goal of running the entire query to completion in the shortest amount of elapsed time. This is a good option when the output of a query is being written to a file or report, or the interface is queuing the output data. Queries coded with an OPTIMIZE FOR nnn ROWS clause honor the goal specified by the clause. This is the default.

DB2_I5_DBCS_ALLOC_ON value turns on DB2 6X allocation scheme for DBCS translation column size growth.

DB2_I5_DBCS_ALLOC_OFF value turns off DB2 6X allocation scheme for DBCS translation column size growth.


The php.ini setting ibm_db2.i5_dbcs_alloc==0 or DB2_I5_DBCS_ALLOC_OFF is the default, but may be overridden with the i5_dbcs_alloc option.

DB2_I5_FMT_ISO - The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) date format yyyy-mm-dd is used. This is the default.

DB2_I5_FMT_USA - The United States date format mm/dd/yyyy is used.

DB2_I5_FMT_EUR - The European date format is used.

DB2_I5_FMT_JIS - The Japanese Industrial Standard date format yyyy-mm-dd is used.

DB2_I5_FMT_MDY - The date format mm/dd/yyyy is used.

DB2_I5_FMT_DMY - The date format dd/mm/yyyy is used.

DB2_I5_FMT_YMD - The date format yy/mm/dd is used.

DB2_I5_FMT_JUL - The Julian date format yy/ddd is used.

DB2_I5_FMT_JOB - The job default is used.

DB2_I5_SEP_SLASH - A slash ( / ) is used as the date separator. This is the default.

DB2_I5_SEP_DASH - A dash ( - ) is used as the date separator.

DB2_I5_SEP_PERIOD - A period ( . ) is used as the date separator.

DB2_I5_SEP_COMMA - A comma ( , ) is used as the date separator.

DB2_I5_SEP_BLANK - A blank is used as the date separator.

DB2_I5_SEP_JOB - The job default is used

DB2_I5_FMT_ISO - The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) time format is used. This is the default.

DB2_I5_FMT_USA - The United States time format hh:mmxx is used, where xx is AM or PM.

DB2_I5_FMT_EUR - The European time format is used.

DB2_I5_FMT_JIS - The Japanese Industrial Standard time format hh:mm:ss is used.

DB2_I5_FMT_HMS - The hh:mm:ss format is used.

DB2_I5_SEP_COLON - A colon ( : ) is used as the time separator. This is the default.

DB2_I5_SEP_PERIOD - A period ( . ) is used as the time separator.

DB2_I5_SEP_COMMA - A comma ( , ) is used as the time separator.

DB2_I5_SEP_BLANK - A blank is used as the time separator.

DB2_I5_SEP_JOB - The job default is used.

DB2_I5_SEP_PERIOD - A period ( . ) is used as the decimal separator. This is the default.

DB2_I5_SEP_COMMA - A comma ( , ) is used as the decimal separator.

DB2_I5_SEP_JOB - The job default is used.

The following new i5/OS option is available in ibm_db2 version 1.8.0 and later.

A character value that indicates the library list that will be used for resolving unqualified file references. Specify the library list elements separated by blanks 'i5_libl'=>"MYLIB YOURLIB ANYLIB".


i5_libl calls qsys2/qcmdexc('cmd',cmdlen), which is only available in i5/OS V5R4 and later.


Returns a connection handle resource if the connection attempt is successful. db2_pconnect tries to reuse an existing connection resource that exactly matches the database, username, and password parameters. If the connection attempt fails, db2_pconnect returns false.


版本 说明
ibm_db2 1.9.0 Active transactions within a persistent connection will be rolled back at the end of each request.
ibm_db2 1.8.0 The i5_libl option is available for i5/OS users.
ibm_db2 1.7.0 The trustedcontext option is available.
ibm_db2 1.5.1 The i5_lib, i5_naming, i5_commit, i5_query_optimize, i5_dbcs_alloc, i5_date_fmt, i5_date_sep, i5_time_fmt, i5_time_sep and i5_decimal_sep options are available for i5/OS users.


示例 #1 A db2_pconnect example

In the following example, the first call to <span class="function">db2_pconnect returns a new persistent connection resource. The second call to <span class="function">db2_pconnect returns a persistent connection resource that simply reuses the first persistent connection resource.

$database = 'SAMPLE';
$user = 'db2inst1';
$password = 'ibmdb2';

$pconn = db2_pconnect($database, $user, $password);

if ($pconn) {
    echo "Persistent connection succeeded.";
else {
    echo "Persistent connection failed.";

$pconn2 = db2_pconnect($database, $user, $password);
if ($pconn) {
    echo "Second persistent connection succeeded.";
else {
    echo "Second persistent connection failed.";


Persistent connection succeeded.
Second persistent connection succeeded.

示例 #2 Using trusted context

The following example shows how to enable trusted context, switch users, and get the current user ID.


$database = "SAMPLE";
$hostname = "localhost";
$port = 50000;
$authID = "db2inst1";
$auth_pass = "ibmdb2";

$tc_user = "tcuser";
$tc_pass = "tcpassword";

$dsn = "DATABASE=$database;HOSTNAME=$hostname;PORT=$port;
$options = array ("trustedcontext" => DB2_TRUSTED_CONTEXT_ENABLE);

$tc_conn = db2_pconnect($dsn, "", "", $options);
if($tc_conn) {
    echo "Explicit trusted connection succeeded.\n";

    if(db2_get_option($tc_conn, "trustedcontext")) {
        $userBefore = db2_get_option($tc_conn, "trusted_user");

        //Do some work as user 1.

        //Switching to trusted user.
        $parameters = array("trusted_user" => $tc_user, 
          "trusted_password" => $tcuser_pass);
        $res = db2_set_option ($tc_conn, $parameters, 1);

        $userAfter = db2_get_option($tc_conn, "trusted_user");
        //Do more work as trusted user.

        if($userBefore != $userAfter) {
            echo "User has been switched." . "\n";    

else {
    echo "Explicit trusted connection failed.\n";


Explicit trusted connection succeeded.
User has been switched.


  • db2_connect


Prepares an SQL statement to be executed


resource <span class="methodname">db2_prepare ( <span class="type">resource $connection , <span class="methodparam">string $statement [, array $options ] )

db2_prepare creates a prepared SQL statement which can include 0 or more parameter markers (? characters) representing parameters for input, output, or input/output. You can pass parameters to the prepared statement using <span class="function">db2_bind_param, or for input values only, as an array passed to db2_execute.

There are three main advantages to using prepared statements in your application:

  • Performance: when you prepare a statement, the database server creates an optimized access plan for retrieving data with that statement. Subsequently issuing the prepared statement with <span class="function">db2_execute enables the statements to reuse that access plan and avoids the overhead of dynamically creating a new access plan for every statement you issue.

  • Security: when you prepare a statement, you can include parameter markers for input values. When you execute a prepared statement with input values for placeholders, the database server checks each input value to ensure that the type matches the column definition or parameter definition.

  • Advanced functionality: Parameter markers not only enable you to pass input values to prepared SQL statements, they also enable you to retrieve OUT and INOUT parameters from stored procedures using db2_bind_param.


A valid database connection resource variable as returned from <span class="function">db2_connect or <span class="function">db2_pconnect.

An SQL statement, optionally containing one or more parameter markers..

An associative array containing statement options. You can use this parameter to request a scrollable cursor on database servers that support this functionality.

For a description of valid statement options, see <span class="function">db2_set_option.


Returns a statement resource if the SQL statement was successfully parsed and prepared by the database server. Returns false if the database server returned an error. You can determine which error was returned by calling db2_stmt_error or db2_stmt_errormsg.


示例 #1 Preparing and executing an SQL statement with parameter markers

The following example prepares an INSERT statement that accepts four parameter markers, then iterates over an array of arrays containing the input values to be passed to db2_execute.

$animals = array(
    array(0, 'cat', 'Pook', 3.2),
    array(1, 'dog', 'Peaches', 12.3),
    array(2, 'horse', 'Smarty', 350.0),

$insert = 'INSERT INTO animals (id, breed, name, weight)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)';
$stmt = db2_prepare($conn, $insert);
if ($stmt) {
    foreach ($animals as $animal) {
        $result = db2_execute($stmt, $animal);


  • db2_bind_param
  • db2_execute
  • db2_stmt_error
  • db2_stmt_errormsg


Returns a result set listing primary keys for a table


resource <span class="methodname">db2_primary_keys ( <span class="methodparam">resource $connection , <span class="type">string $qualifier , <span class="methodparam">string $schema , string $table-name )

Returns a result set listing the primary keys for a table.


A valid connection to an IBM DB2, Cloudscape, or Apache Derby database.

A qualifier for DB2 databases running on OS/390 or z/OS servers. For other databases, pass null or an empty string.

The schema which contains the tables. If schema is null, <span class="function">db2_primary_keys matches the schema for the current connection.

The name of the table.


Returns a statement resource with a result set containing rows describing the primary keys for the specified table. The result set is composed of the following columns:

Column name Description
TABLE_CAT Name of the catalog for the table containing the primary key. The value is NULL if this table does not have catalogs.
TABLE_SCHEM Name of the schema for the table containing the primary key.
TABLE_NAME Name of the table containing the primary key.
COLUMN_NAME Name of the column containing the primary key.
KEY_SEQ 1-indexed position of the column in the key.
PK_NAME The name of the primary key.


  • db2_column_privileges
  • db2_columns
  • db2_foreign_keys
  • db2_procedure_columns
  • db2_procedures
  • db2_special_columns
  • db2_statistics
  • db2_table_privileges
  • db2_tables


Returns a result set listing stored procedure parameters


resource <span class="methodname">db2_procedure_columns ( <span class="methodparam">resource $connection , <span class="type">string $qualifier , <span class="methodparam">string $schema , string $procedure , <span class="type">string $parameter )

Returns a result set listing the parameters for one or more stored procedures.


A valid connection to an IBM DB2, Cloudscape, or Apache Derby database.

A qualifier for DB2 databases running on OS/390 or z/OS servers. For other databases, pass null or an empty string.

The schema which contains the procedures. This parameter accepts a search pattern containing _ and % as wildcards.

The name of the procedure. This parameter accepts a search pattern containing _ and % as wildcards.

The name of the parameter. This parameter accepts a search pattern containing _ and % as wildcards. If this parameter is null, all parameters for the specified stored procedures are returned.


Returns a statement resource with a result set containing rows describing the parameters for the stored procedures matching the specified parameters. The rows are composed of the following columns:

Column name Description
PROCEDURE_CAT The catalog that contains the procedure. The value is null if this table does not have catalogs.
PROCEDURE_SCHEM Name of the schema that contains the stored procedure.
PROCEDURE_NAME Name of the procedure.
COLUMN_NAME Name of the parameter.

An integer value representing the type of the parameter:

Return value Parameter type
1 (SQL_PARAM_INPUT) Input (IN) parameter.
2 (SQL_PARAM_INPUT_OUTPUT) Input/output (INOUT) parameter.
3 (SQL_PARAM_OUTPUT) Output (OUT) parameter.
DATA_TYPE The SQL data type for the parameter represented as an integer value.
TYPE_NAME A string representing the data type for the parameter.
COLUMN_SIZE An integer value representing the size of the parameter.
BUFFER_LENGTH Maximum number of bytes necessary to store data for this parameter.
DECIMAL_DIGITS The scale of the parameter, or null where scale is not applicable.
NUM_PREC_RADIX An integer value of either 10 (representing an exact numeric data type), 2 (representing an approximate numeric data type), or null (representing a data type for which radix is not applicable).
NULLABLE An integer value representing whether the parameter is nullable or not.
REMARKS Description of the parameter.
COLUMN_DEF Default value for the parameter.
SQL_DATA_TYPE An integer value representing the size of the parameter.
SQL_DATETIME_SUB Returns an integer value representing a datetime subtype code, or null for SQL data types to which this does not apply.
CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH Maximum length in octets for a character data type parameter, which matches COLUMN_SIZE for single-byte character set data, or null for non-character data types.
ORDINAL_POSITION The 1-indexed position of the parameter in the CALL statement.
IS_NULLABLE A string value where 'YES' means that the parameter accepts or returns null values and 'NO' means that the parameter does not accept or return null values.


  • db2_column_privileges
  • db2_columns
  • db2_foreign_keys
  • db2_primary_keys
  • db2_procedures
  • db2_special_columns
  • db2_statistics
  • db2_table_privileges
  • db2_tables


Returns a result set listing the stored procedures registered in a database


resource <span class="methodname">db2_procedures ( <span class="methodparam">resource $connection , <span class="type">string $qualifier , <span class="methodparam">string $schema , string $procedure )

Returns a result set listing the stored procedures registered in a database.


A valid connection to an IBM DB2, Cloudscape, or Apache Derby database.

A qualifier for DB2 databases running on OS/390 or z/OS servers. For other databases, pass null or an empty string.

The schema which contains the procedures. This parameter accepts a search pattern containing _ and % as wildcards.

The name of the procedure. This parameter accepts a search pattern containing _ and % as wildcards.


Returns a statement resource with a result set containing rows describing the stored procedures matching the specified parameters. The rows are composed of the following columns:

Column name Description
PROCEDURE_CAT The catalog that contains the procedure. The value is null if this table does not have catalogs.
PROCEDURE_SCHEM Name of the schema that contains the stored procedure.
PROCEDURE_NAME Name of the procedure.
NUM_INPUT_PARAMS Number of input (IN) parameters for the stored procedure.
NUM_OUTPUT_PARAMS Number of output (OUT) parameters for the stored procedure.
NUM_RESULT_SETS Number of result sets returned by the stored procedure.
REMARKS Any comments about the stored procedure.
PROCEDURE_TYPE Always returns 1, indicating that the stored procedure does not return a return value.


  • db2_column_privileges
  • db2_columns
  • db2_foreign_keys
  • db2_primary_keys
  • db2_procedure_columns
  • db2_special_columns
  • db2_statistics
  • db2_table_privileges
  • db2_tables


Returns a single column from a row in the result set


mixed <span class="methodname">db2_result ( <span class="type">resource $stmt , <span class="methodparam">mixed $column )

Use db2_result to return the value of a specified column in the current row of a result set. You must call <span class="function">db2_fetch_row before calling <span class="function">db2_result to set the location of the result set pointer.


A valid stmt resource.

Either an integer mapping to the 0-indexed field in the result set, or a string matching the name of the column.


Returns the value of the requested field if the field exists in the result set. Returns NULL if the field does not exist, and issues a warning.


示例 #1 A db2_result example

The following example demonstrates how to iterate through a result set with db2_fetch_row and retrieve columns from the result set with db2_result.

$sql = 'SELECT name, breed FROM animals WHERE weight < ?';
$stmt = db2_prepare($conn, $sql);
db2_execute($stmt, array(10));
while (db2_fetch_row($stmt)) {
    $name = db2_result($stmt, 0);
    $breed = db2_result($stmt, 'BREED');
    print "$name $breed";


cat Pook
gold fish Bubbles
budgerigar Gizmo
goat Rickety Ride


  • db2_fetch_array
  • db2_fetch_assoc
  • db2_fetch_both
  • db2_fetch_object
  • db2_fetch_row


Rolls back a transaction


bool <span class="methodname">db2_rollback ( <span class="methodparam">resource $connection )

Rolls back an in-progress transaction on the specified connection resource and begins a new transaction. PHP applications normally default to AUTOCOMMIT mode, so db2_rollback normally has no effect unless AUTOCOMMIT has been turned off for the connection resource.


A valid database connection resource variable as returned from <span class="function">db2_connect or <span class="function">db2_pconnect.


成功时返回 true, 或者在失败时返回 false


示例 #1 Rolling back a DELETE statement

In the following example, we count the number of rows in a table, turn off AUTOCOMMIT mode on a database connection, delete all of the rows in the table and return the count of 0 to prove that the rows have been removed. We then issue db2_rollback and return the updated count of rows in the table to show that the number is the same as before we issued the DELETE statement. The return to the original state of the table demonstrates that the roll back of the transaction succeeded.

$conn = db2_connect($database, $user, $password);

if ($conn) {
    $stmt = db2_exec($conn, "SELECT count(*) FROM animals");
    $res = db2_fetch_array( $stmt );
    echo $res[0] . "\n";

    // Turn AUTOCOMMIT off
    db2_autocommit($conn, DB2_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF);

    // Delete all rows from ANIMALS
    db2_exec($conn, "DELETE FROM animals");

    $stmt = db2_exec($conn, "SELECT count(*) FROM animals");
    $res = db2_fetch_array( $stmt );
    echo $res[0] . "\n";

    // Roll back the DELETE statement
    db2_rollback( $conn );

    $stmt = db2_exec( $conn, "SELECT count(*) FROM animals" );
    $res = db2_fetch_array( $stmt );
    echo $res[0] . "\n";




  • db2_autocommit
  • db2_commit


Returns an object with properties that describe the DB2 database server


object <span class="methodname">db2_server_info ( <span class="methodparam">resource $connection )

This function returns an object with read-only properties that return information about the IBM DB2, Cloudscape, or Apache Derby database server. The following table lists the database server properties:

Database server properties
Property name Return type Description
DBMS_NAME string The name of the database server to which you are connected. For DB2 servers this is a combination of DB2 followed by the operating system on which the database server is running.
DBMS_VER string The version of the database server, in the form of a string "" where MM is the major version, mm is the minor version, and uuuu is the update. For example, "08.02.0001" represents major version 8, minor version 2, update 1.
DB_CODEPAGE int The code page of the database to which you are connected.
DB_NAME string The name of the database to which you are connected.

The default transaction isolation level supported by the server:


Uncommitted read: changes are immediately visible by all concurrent transactions.


Cursor stability: a row read by one transaction can be altered and committed by a second concurrent transaction.


Read stability: a transaction can add or remove rows matching a search condition or a pending transaction.


Repeatable read: data affected by pending transaction is not available to other transactions.


No commit: any changes are visible at the end of a successful operation. Explicit commits and rollbacks are not allowed.

IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CHAR string The character used to delimit an identifier.
INST_NAME string The instance on the database server that contains the database.
ISOLATION_OPTION array An array of the isolation options supported by the database server. The isolation options are described in the DFT_ISOLATION property.
KEYWORDS array An array of the keywords reserved by the database server.
LIKE_ESCAPE_CLAUSE bool true if the database server supports the use of % and _ wildcard characters. false if the database server does not support these wildcard characters.
MAX_COL_NAME_LEN int Maximum length of a column name supported by the database server, expressed in bytes.
MAX_IDENTIFIER_LEN int Maximum length of an SQL identifier supported by the database server, expressed in characters.
MAX_INDEX_SIZE int Maximum size of columns combined in an index supported by the database server, expressed in bytes.
MAX_PROC_NAME_LEN int Maximum length of a procedure name supported by the database server, expressed in bytes.
MAX_ROW_SIZE int Maximum length of a row in a base table supported by the database server, expressed in bytes.
MAX_SCHEMA_NAME_LEN int Maximum length of a schema name supported by the database server, expressed in bytes.
MAX_STATEMENT_LEN int Maximum length of an SQL statement supported by the database server, expressed in bytes.
MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN int Maximum length of a table name supported by the database server, expressed in bytes.
NON_NULLABLE_COLUMNS bool true if the database server supports columns that can be defined as NOT NULL, false if the database server does not support columns defined as NOT NULL.
PROCEDURES bool true if the database server supports the use of the CALL statement to call stored procedures, false if the database server does not support the CALL statement.
SPECIAL_CHARS string A string containing all of the characters other than a-Z, 0-9, and underscore that can be used in an identifier name.

The level of conformance to the ANSI/ISO SQL-92 specification offered by the database server:


Entry-level SQL-92 compliance.


FIPS-127-2 transitional compliance.


Full level SQL-92 compliance.


Intermediate level SQL-92 compliance.


Specifies an active DB2 client connection.


Returns an object on a successful call. Returns false on failure.


示例 #1 A db2_server_info example

To retrieve information about the server, you must pass a valid database connection resource to db2_server_info.


$conn = db2_connect('sample', 'db2inst1', 'ibmdb2');

$server = db2_server_info( $conn );

if ($server) {
    echo "DBMS_NAME: ";                 var_dump( $server->DBMS_NAME );
    echo "DBMS_VER: ";                  var_dump( $server->DBMS_VER );
    echo "DB_CODEPAGE: ";               var_dump( $server->DB_CODEPAGE );
    echo "DB_NAME: ";                   var_dump( $server->DB_NAME );
    echo "INST_NAME: ";                 var_dump( $server->INST_NAME );
    echo "SPECIAL_CHARS: ";             var_dump( $server->SPECIAL_CHARS );
    echo "KEYWORDS: ";                  var_dump( sizeof($server->KEYWORDS) );
    echo "DFT_ISOLATION: ";             var_dump( $server->DFT_ISOLATION );
    echo "ISOLATION_OPTION: ";
    $il = '';
    foreach( $server->ISOLATION_OPTION as $opt )
       $il .= $opt." ";
    var_dump( $il );
    echo "SQL_CONFORMANCE: ";           var_dump( $server->SQL_CONFORMANCE );
    echo "PROCEDURES: ";                var_dump( $server->PROCEDURES );
    echo "IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CHAR: ";     var_dump( $server->IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CHAR );
    echo "LIKE_ESCAPE_CLAUSE: ";        var_dump( $server->LIKE_ESCAPE_CLAUSE );
    echo "MAX_COL_NAME_LEN: ";          var_dump( $server->MAX_COL_NAME_LEN );
    echo "MAX_ROW_SIZE: ";              var_dump( $server->MAX_ROW_SIZE );
    echo "MAX_IDENTIFIER_LEN: ";        var_dump( $server->MAX_IDENTIFIER_LEN );
    echo "MAX_INDEX_SIZE: ";            var_dump( $server->MAX_INDEX_SIZE );
    echo "MAX_PROC_NAME_LEN: ";         var_dump( $server->MAX_PROC_NAME_LEN );
    echo "MAX_SCHEMA_NAME_LEN: ";       var_dump( $server->MAX_SCHEMA_NAME_LEN );
    echo "MAX_STATEMENT_LEN: ";         var_dump( $server->MAX_STATEMENT_LEN );
    echo "MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN: ";        var_dump( $server->MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN );
    echo "NON_NULLABLE_COLUMNS: ";      var_dump( $server->NON_NULLABLE_COLUMNS );



DBMS_NAME: string(9) "DB2/LINUX"
DBMS_VER: string(10) "08.02.0000"
DB_CODEPAGE: int(1208)
DB_NAME: string(6) "SAMPLE"
INST_NAME: string(8) "db2inst1"
SPECIAL_CHARS: string(2) "@#"
KEYWORDS: int(179)
DFT_ISOLATION: string(2) "CS"
SQL_CONFORMANCE: string(7) "FIPS127"
PROCEDURES: bool(true)
MAX_ROW_SIZE: int(32677)
MAX_INDEX_SIZE: int(1024)
MAX_STATEMENT_LEN: int(2097152)


  • db2_client_info


Set options for connection or statement resources


bool <span class="methodname">db2_set_option ( <span class="methodparam">resource $resource , <span class="type">array $options , <span class="methodparam">int $type )

Sets options for a statement resource or a connection resource. You cannot set options for result set resources.


A valid statement resource as returned from <span class="function">db2_prepare or a valid connection resource as returned from db2_connect or <span class="function">db2_pconnect.

An associative array containing valid statement or connection options. This parameter can be used to change autocommit values, cursor types (scrollable or forward), and to specify the case of the column names (lower, upper, or natural) that will appear in a result set.

Passing DB2_AUTOCOMMIT_ON turns autocommit on for the specified connection resource.

Passing DB2_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF turns autocommit off for the specified connection resource.

Passing DB2_FORWARD_ONLY specifies a forward-only cursor for a statement resource. This is the default cursor type, and is supported by all database servers.

Passing DB2_SCROLLABLE specifies a scrollable cursor for a statement resource. Scrollable cursors enable result set rows to be accessed in non-sequential order, but are only supported by IBM DB2 Universal Database databases.

Passing DB2_BINARY specifies that binary data will be returned as is. This is the default mode. This is the equivalent of setting ibm_db2.binmode=1 in php.ini.

Passing DB2_CONVERT specifies that binary data will be converted to hexadecimal encoding, and will be returned as such. This is the equivalent of setting ibm_db2.binmode=2 in php.ini.

Passing DB2_PASSTHRU specifies that binary data will be converted to null. This is the equivalent of setting ibm_db2.binmode=3 in php.ini.

Passing DB2_CASE_LOWER specifies that column names of the result set are returned in lower case.

Passing DB2_CASE_UPPER specifies that column names of the result set are returned in upper case.

Passing DB2_CASE_NATURAL specifies that column names of the result set are returned in natural case.

Passing DB2_DEFERRED_PREPARE_ON turns deferred prepare on for the specified statement resource.

Passing DB2_DEFERRED_PREPARE_OFF turns deferred prepare off for the specified statement resource.

The following new i5/OS options are available in ibm_db2 version 1.5.1 and later. These options apply only when running PHP and ibm_db2 natively on i5 systems.

DB2_I5_FETCH_ON - Cursors are read-only and cannot be used for positioned updates or deletes. This is the default unless SQL_ATTR_FOR_FETCH_ONLY environment has been set to SQL_FALSE.

DB2_I5_FETCH_OFF - Cursors can be used for positioned updates and deletes.

The following new option is available in ibm_db2 version 1.8.0 and later.

DB2_ROWCOUNT_PREFETCH_ON - Client can request the full row count prior to fetching, which means that <span class="function">db2_num_rows returns the number of rows selected even when a ROLLFORWARD_ONLY cursor is used.

DB2_ROWCOUNT_PREFETCH_OFF - Client cannot request the full row count prior to fetching.

The following new options are available in ibm_db2 version 1.7.0 and later.

To switch the user to a trusted user, pass the User ID (String) of the trusted user as the value of this key. This option can be set on a connection resource only. To use this option, trusted context must be enabled on the connection resource.

The password (String) that corresponds to the user specified by the trusted_user key.

The following new options are available in ibm_db2 version 1.6.0 and later. These options provide useful tracking information that can be accessed during execution with <span class="function">db2_get_option.


When the value in each option is being set, some servers might not handle the entire length provided and might truncate the value.

To ensure that the data specified in each option is converted correctly when transmitted to a host system, use only the characters A through Z, 0 through 9, and the underscore (_) or period (.).

SQL_ATTR_INFO_USERID - A pointer to a null-terminated character string used to identify the client user ID sent to the host database server when using DB2 Connect.


DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 servers support up to a length of 16 characters. This user-id is not to be confused with the authentication user-id, it is for identification purposes only and is not used for any authorization.

SQL_ATTR_INFO_ACCTSTR - A pointer to a null-terminated character string used to identify the client accounting string sent to the host database server when using DB2 Connect.


DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 servers support up to a length of 200 characters.

SQL_ATTR_INFO_APPLNAME - A pointer to a null-terminated character string used to identify the client application name sent to the host database server when using DB2 Connect.


DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 servers support up to a length of 32 characters.

SQL_ATTR_INFO_WRKSTNNAME - A pointer to a null-terminated character string used to identify the client workstation name sent to the host database server when using DB2 Connect.


DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 servers support up to a length of 18 characters.

An integer value that specifies the type of resource that was passed into the function. The type of resource and this value must correspond.

Passing 1 as the value specifies that a connection resource has been passed into the function.

Passing any integer not equal to 1 as the value specifies that a statement resource has been passed into the function.

The following table specifies which options are compatible with the available resource types:

Resource-Parameter Matrix



Resource Type





Result Set


















































































\<USER NAME> (String)





\<PASSWORD> (String)

























成功时返回 true, 或者在失败时返回 false


示例 #1 Setting one parameter with a connection resource

/* Database Connection Parameters */
$database = 'SAMPLE';
$hostname = 'localhost';
$port = 50000;
$protocol = 'TCPIP';
$username = 'db2inst1';
$password = 'ibmdb2';

/* Connection String */
$conn_string = "DRIVER={IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER};DATABASE=$database;";
$conn_string .= "HOSTNAME=$hostname;PORT=$port;PROTOCOL=$protocol;";
$conn_string .= "UID=$username;PWD=$password;";

/* Obtain Connection Resource */
$conn = db2_connect($conn_string, '', '');

/* Create the associative options array with valid key-value pairs */
$options = array('autocommit' => DB2_AUTOCOMMIT_ON);

/* Call the function using the correct resource, options array, and type values */
$result = db2_set_option($conn, $options, 1);

/* Check if all options could be set correctly */
  echo 'Options Set Successfully';
  echo 'Could Not Set Options';


Options Set Successfully

示例 #2 Setting multiple parameters with a connection resource

/* Database Connection Parameters */
$database = 'SAMPLE';
$hostname = 'localhost';
$port = 50000;
$protocol = 'TCPIP';
$username = 'db2inst1';
$password = 'ibmdb2';

/* Connection String */
$conn_string = "DRIVER={IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER};DATABASE=$database;";
$conn_string .= "HOSTNAME=$hostname;PORT=$port;PROTOCOL=$protocol;";
$conn_string .= "UID=$username;PWD=$password;";

/* Obtain Connection Resource */
$conn = db2_connect($conn_string, '', '');

/* Create the associative options array with valid key-value pairs */
$options = array('autocommit' => DB2_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF, 
                    'binmode' => DB2_PASSTHRU,
              'db2_attr_case' => DB2_CASE_UPPER,
                     'cursor' => DB2_SCROLLABLE);

/* Call the function using the correct resource, options array, and type values */
$result = db2_set_option($conn, $options, 1);

/* Check if all options could be set correctly */
  echo 'Options Set Successfully';
  echo 'Could Not Set Options';


Options Set Successfully

示例 #3 Setting multiple parameters with an invalid key

/* Database Connection Parameters */
$database = 'SAMPLE';
$hostname = 'localhost';
$port = 50000;
$protocol = 'TCPIP';
$username = 'db2inst1';
$password = 'ibmdb2';

/* Connection String */
$conn_string = "DRIVER={IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER};DATABASE=$database;";
$conn_string .= "HOSTNAME=$hostname;PORT=$port;PROTOCOL=$protocol;";
$conn_string .= "UID=$username;PWD=$password;";

/* Obtain Connection Resource */
$conn = db2_connect($conn_string, '', '');

/* Create the associative options array with valid key-value pairs */
$options = array('autocommit' => DB2_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF, 
             'MY_INVALID_KEY' => DB2_PASSTHRU,
              'db2_attr_case' => DB2_CASE_UPPER,
                     'cursor' => DB2_SCROLLABLE);

/* Call the function using the correct resource, options array, and type values */
$result = db2_set_option($conn, $options, 1);

/* Check if all options could be set correctly */
  echo 'Options Set Successfully';
  echo 'Could Not Set Options';


Could Not Set Options

示例 #4 Setting multiple parameters with an invalid value

/* Database Connection Parameters */
$database = 'SAMPLE';
$hostname = 'localhost';
$port = 50000;
$protocol = 'TCPIP';
$username = 'db2inst1';
$password = 'ibmdb2';

/* Connection String */
$conn_string = "DRIVER={IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER};DATABASE=$database;";
$conn_string .= "HOSTNAME=$hostname;PORT=$port;PROTOCOL=$protocol;";
$conn_string .= "UID=$username;PWD=$password;";

/* Obtain Connection Resource */
$conn = db2_connect($conn_string, '', '');

/* Create the associative options array with valid key-value pairs */
$options = array('autocommit' => DB2_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF, 
                    'binmode' => 'INVALID_VALUE',
              'db2_attr_case' => DB2_CASE_UPPER,
                     'cursor' => DB2_SCROLLABLE);

/* Call the function using the correct resource, options array, and type values */
$result = db2_set_option($conn, $options, 1);

/* Check if all options could be set correctly */
  echo 'Options Set Successfully';
  echo 'Could Not Set Options';


Could Not Set Options

示例 #5 Setting multiple parameters with a connection resource and the wrong type

/* Database Connection Parameters */
$database = 'SAMPLE';
$hostname = 'localhost';
$port = 50000;
$protocol = 'TCPIP';
$username = 'db2inst1';
$password = 'ibmdb2';

/* Connection String */
$conn_string = "DRIVER={IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER};DATABASE=$database;";
$conn_string .= "HOSTNAME=$hostname;PORT=$port;PROTOCOL=$protocol;";
$conn_string .= "UID=$username;PWD=$password;";

/* Obtain Connection Resource */
$conn = db2_connect($conn_string, '', '');

/* Create the associative options array with valid key-value pairs */
$options = array('autocommit' => DB2_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF, 
                    'binmode' => DB2_PASSTHRU,
              'db2_attr_case' => DB2_CASE_UPPER,
                     'cursor' => DB2_SCROLLABLE);

/* Call the function using the correct resource, options array, and the wrong type value */
$result = db2_set_option($conn, $options, 2);

/* Check if all options could be set correctly */
  echo 'Options Set Successfully';
  echo 'Could Not Set Options';


Could Not Set Options

示例 #6 Setting multiple parameters with the wrong resource

/* Database Connection Parameters */
$database = 'SAMPLE';
$hostname = 'localhost';
$port = 50000;
$protocol = 'TCPIP';
$username = 'db2inst1';
$password = 'ibmdb2';

/* Connection String */
$conn_string = "DRIVER={IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER};DATABASE=$database;";
$conn_string .= "HOSTNAME=$hostname;PORT=$port;PROTOCOL=$protocol;";
$conn_string .= "UID=$username;PWD=$password;";

/* Obtain Connection Resource */
$conn = db2_connect($conn_string, '', '');

/* Create the associative options array with valid key-value pairs */
$options = array('autocommit' => DB2_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF, 
                    'binmode' => DB2_PASSTHRU,
              'db2_attr_case' => DB2_CASE_UPPER,
                     'cursor' => DB2_SCROLLABLE);

$stmt = db2_prepare($conn, 'SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE');

/* Call the function using the wrong resource, and the correct options array, and type values */
$result = db2_set_option($stmt, $options, 1);

/* Check if all options could be set correctly */
  echo 'Options Set Successfully';
  echo 'Could Not Set Options';


Could Not Set Options

示例 #7 Putting it all together

/* Database Connection Parameters */
$database = 'SAMPLE';
$hostname = 'localhost';
$port = 50000;
$protocol = 'TCPIP';
$username = 'db2inst1';
$password = 'ibmdb2';

/* Connection String */
$conn_string = "DRIVER={IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER};DATABASE=$database;";
$conn_string .= "HOSTNAME=$hostname;PORT=$port;PROTOCOL=$protocol;";
$conn_string .= "UID=$username;PWD=$password;";

/* Obtain Connection Resource */
$conn = db2_connect($conn_string, '', '');

/* Create the associative options array with valid key-value pairs */
$options = array('db2_attr_case' => DB2_CASE_LOWER,
                        'cursor' => DB2_SCROLLABLE);

$stmt = db2_prepare($conn, 'SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE EMPNO = ? OR EMPNO = ?');

/* Call the function using the correct resource, options array, and type values */
$option_result = db2_set_option($stmt, $options, 2);
$result = db2_execute($stmt, array('000130', '000140'));

/* Get Row 2 before Row 1 since Scrollable Cursor */
print_r(db2_fetch_assoc($stmt, 2));
print '<br /><br />';
print_r(db2_fetch_assoc($stmt, 1));



    [empno] => 000140
    [firstnme] => HEATHER
    [midinit] => A
    [lastname] => NICHOLLS
    [workdept] => C01
    [phoneno] => 1793
    [hiredate] => 1976-12-15
    [job] => ANALYST
    [edlevel] => 18
    [sex] => F
    [birthdate] => 1946-01-19
    [salary] => 28420.00
    [bonus] => 600.00
    [comm] => 2274.00

    [empno] => 000130
    [firstnme] => DELORES
    [midinit] => M
    [lastname] => QUINTANA
    [workdept] => C01
    [phoneno] => 4578
    [hiredate] => 1971-07-28
    [job] => ANALYST
    [edlevel] => 16
    [sex] => F
    [birthdate] => 1925-09-15
    [salary] => 23800.00
    [bonus] => 500.00
    [comm] => 1904.00

示例 #8 i5/OS cursors are read-only

  $conn = db2_connect("", "", "", array("i5_lib"=>"nobody"));
  $stmt = db2_prepare($conn, 'select * from names where first = ?');
  $name = "first2";
  db2_bind_param($stmt, 1, "name", DB2_PARAM_IN);
  $options = array("i5_fetch_only"=>DB2_I5_FETCH_ON);
  if (db2_execute($stmt)) {
    while ($row = db2_fetch_array($stmt)) {
      echo "{$row[0]} {$row[1]}";


first2 last2


  • db2_connect
  • db2_pconnect
  • db2_exec
  • db2_prepare
  • db2_cursor_type


Returns a result set listing the unique row identifier columns for a table


resource <span class="methodname">db2_special_columns ( <span class="methodparam">resource $connection , <span class="type">string $qualifier , <span class="methodparam">string $schema , string $table_name , <span class="type">int $scope )

Returns a result set listing the unique row identifier columns for a table.


A valid connection to an IBM DB2, Cloudscape, or Apache Derby database.

A qualifier for DB2 databases running on OS/390 or z/OS servers. For other databases, pass null or an empty string.

The schema which contains the tables.

The name of the table.

Integer value representing the minimum duration for which the unique row identifier is valid. This can be one of the following values:

Integer value SQL constant Description
0 SQL_SCOPE_CURROW Row identifier is valid only while the cursor is positioned on the row.
1 SQL_SCOPE_TRANSACTION Row identifier is valid for the duration of the transaction.
2 SQL_SCOPE_SESSION Row identifier is valid for the duration of the connection.


Returns a statement resource with a result set containing rows with unique row identifier information for a table. The rows are composed of the following columns:

Column name Description
Integer value SQL constant Description
0 SQL_SCOPE_CURROW Row identifier is valid only while the cursor is positioned on the row.
1 SQL_SCOPE_TRANSACTION Row identifier is valid for the duration of the transaction.
2 SQL_SCOPE_SESSION Row identifier is valid for the duration of the connection.
COLUMN_NAME Name of the unique column.
DATA_TYPE SQL data type for the column.
TYPE_NAME Character string representation of the SQL data type for the column.
COLUMN_SIZE An integer value representing the size of the column.
BUFFER_LENGTH Maximum number of bytes necessary to store data from this column.
DECIMAL_DIGITS The scale of the column, or null where scale is not applicable.
NUM_PREC_RADIX An integer value of either 10 (representing an exact numeric data type), 2 (representing an approximate numeric data type), or null (representing a data type for which radix is not applicable).
PSEUDO_COLUMN Always returns 1.


  • db2_column_privileges
  • db2_columns
  • db2_foreign_keys
  • db2_primary_keys
  • db2_procedure_columns
  • db2_procedures
  • db2_statistics
  • db2_table_privileges
  • db2_tables


Returns a result set listing the index and statistics for a table


resource <span class="methodname">db2_statistics ( <span class="methodparam">resource $connection , <span class="type">string $qualifier , <span class="methodparam">string $schema , string $table-name , <span class="type">bool $unique )

Returns a result set listing the index and statistics for a table.


A valid connection to an IBM DB2, Cloudscape, or Apache Derby database.

A qualifier for DB2 databases running on OS/390 or z/OS servers. For other databases, pass null or an empty string.

The schema that contains the targeted table. If this parameter is null, the statistics and indexes are returned for the schema of the current user.

The name of the table.

An integer value representing the type of index information to return.

Return only the information for unique indexes on the table.

Return the information for all indexes on the table.


Returns a statement resource with a result set containing rows describing the statistics and indexes for the base tables matching the specified parameters. The rows are composed of the following columns:

Column name Description
TABLE_CAT The catalog that contains the table. The value is null if this table does not have catalogs.
TABLE_SCHEM Name of the schema that contains the table.
TABLE_NAME Name of the table.

An integer value representing whether the index prohibits unique values, or whether the row represents statistics on the table itself:

Return value Parameter type
0 (SQL_FALSE) The index allows duplicate values.
1 (SQL_TRUE) The index values must be unique.
null This row is statistics information for the table itself.
INDEX_QUALIFIER A string value representing the qualifier that would have to be prepended to INDEX_NAME to fully qualify the index.
INDEX_NAME A string representing the name of the index.

An integer value representing the type of information contained in this row of the result set:

Return value Parameter type
0 (SQL_TABLE_STAT) The row contains statistics about the table itself.
1 (SQL_INDEX_CLUSTERED) The row contains information about a clustered index.
2 (SQL_INDEX_HASH) The row contains information about a hashed index.
3 (SQL_INDEX_OTHER) The row contains information about a type of index that is neither clustered nor hashed.
ORDINAL_POSITION The 1-indexed position of the column in the index. null if the row contains statistics information about the table itself.
COLUMN_NAME The name of the column in the index. null if the row contains statistics information about the table itself.
ASC_OR_DESC A if the column is sorted in ascending order, D if the column is sorted in descending order, null if the row contains statistics information about the table itself.

If the row contains information about an index, this column contains an integer value representing the number of unique values in the index.

If the row contains information about the table itself, this column contains an integer value representing the number of rows in the table.


If the row contains information about an index, this column contains an integer value representing the number of pages used to store the index.

If the row contains information about the table itself, this column contains an integer value representing the number of pages used to store the table.

FILTER_CONDITION Always returns null.


  • db2_column_privileges
  • db2_columns
  • db2_foreign_keys
  • db2_primary_keys
  • db2_procedure_columns
  • db2_procedures
  • db2_special_columns
  • db2_table_privileges
  • db2_tables


Returns a string containing the SQLSTATE returned by an SQL statement


string <span class="methodname">db2_stmt_error ([ <span class="methodparam">resource $stmt ] )

Returns a string containing the SQLSTATE value returned by an SQL statement.

If you do not pass a statement resource as an argument to <span class="function">db2_stmt_error, the driver returns the SQLSTATE value associated with the last attempt to return a statement resource, for example, from db2_prepare or db2_exec.

To learn what the SQLSTATE value means, you can issue the following command at a DB2 Command Line Processor prompt: db2 '? sqlstate-value'. You can also call <span class="function">db2_stmt_errormsg to retrieve an explicit error message and the associated SQLCODE value.


A valid statement resource.


Returns a string containing an SQLSTATE value.


  • db2_conn_error
  • db2_conn_errormsg
  • db2_stmt_errormsg


Returns a string containing the last SQL statement error message


string <span class="methodname">db2_stmt_errormsg ([ <span class="methodparam">resource $stmt ] )

Returns a string containing the last SQL statement error message.

If you do not pass a statement resource as an argument to <span class="function">db2_stmt_errormsg, the driver returns the error message associated with the last attempt to return a statement resource, for example, from db2_prepare or db2_exec.


A valid statement resource.


Returns a string containing the error message and SQLCODE value for the last error that occurred issuing an SQL statement.


  • db2_conn_error
  • db2_conn_errormsg
  • db2_stmt_error


Returns a result set listing the tables and associated privileges in a database


resource <span class="methodname">db2_table_privileges ( <span class="methodparam">resource $connection [, <span class="type">string $qualifier [, <span class="methodparam">string $schema [, string $table_name ]]] )

Returns a result set listing the tables and associated privileges in a database.


A valid connection to an IBM DB2, Cloudscape, or Apache Derby database.

A qualifier for DB2 databases running on OS/390 or z/OS servers. For other databases, pass null or an empty string.

The schema which contains the tables. This parameter accepts a search pattern containing _ and % as wildcards.

The name of the table. This parameter accepts a search pattern containing _ and % as wildcards.


Returns a statement resource with a result set containing rows describing the privileges for the tables that match the specified parameters. The rows are composed of the following columns:

Column name Description
TABLE_CAT The catalog that contains the table. The value is null if this table does not have catalogs.
TABLE_SCHEM Name of the schema that contains the table.
TABLE_NAME Name of the table.
GRANTOR Authorization ID of the user who granted the privilege.
GRANTEE Authorization ID of the user to whom the privilege was granted.
PRIVILEGE The privilege that has been granted. This can be one of ALTER, CONTROL, DELETE, INDEX, INSERT, REFERENCES, SELECT, or UPDATE.
IS_GRANTABLE A string value of "YES" or "NO" indicating whether the grantee can grant the privilege to other users.


  • db2_column_privileges
  • db2_columns
  • db2_foreign_keys
  • db2_primary_keys
  • db2_procedure_columns
  • db2_procedures
  • db2_special_columns
  • db2_statistics
  • db2_tables


Returns a result set listing the tables and associated metadata in a database


resource <span class="methodname">db2_tables ( <span class="type">resource $connection [, <span class="methodparam">string $qualifier [, string $schema [, <span class="type">string $table-name [, <span class="methodparam">string $table-type ]]]] )

Returns a result set listing the tables and associated metadata in a database.


A valid connection to an IBM DB2, Cloudscape, or Apache Derby database.

A qualifier for DB2 databases running on OS/390 or z/OS servers. For other databases, pass null or an empty string.

The schema which contains the tables. This parameter accepts a search pattern containing _ and % as wildcards.

The name of the table. This parameter accepts a search pattern containing _ and % as wildcards.

A list of comma-delimited table type identifiers. To match all table types, pass null or an empty string. Valid table type identifiers include: ALIAS, HIERARCHY TABLE, INOPERATIVE VIEW, NICKNAME, MATERIALIZED QUERY TABLE, SYSTEM TABLE, TABLE, TYPED TABLE, TYPED VIEW, and VIEW.


Returns a statement resource with a result set containing rows describing the tables that match the specified parameters. The rows are composed of the following columns:

Column name Description
TABLE_CAT The catalog that contains the table. The value is null if this table does not have catalogs.
TABLE_SCHEM Name of the schema that contains the table.
TABLE_NAME Name of the table.
TABLE_TYPE Table type identifier for the table.
REMARKS Description of the table.


  • db2_column_privileges
  • db2_columns
  • db2_foreign_keys
  • db2_primary_keys
  • db2_procedure_columns
  • db2_procedures
  • db2_special_columns
  • db2_statistics
  • db2_table_privileges


  • db2_autocommit — Returns or sets the AUTOCOMMIT state for a database connection
  • db2_bind_param — Binds a PHP variable to an SQL statement parameter
  • db2_client_info — Returns an object with properties that describe the DB2 database client
  • db2_close — Closes a database connection
  • db2_column_privileges — Returns a result set listing the columns and associated privileges for a table
  • db2_columns — Returns a result set listing the columns and associated metadata for a table
  • db2_commit — Commits a transaction
  • db2_conn_error — Returns a string containing the SQLSTATE returned by the last connection attempt
  • db2_conn_errormsg — Returns the last connection error message and SQLCODE value
  • db2_connect — Returns a connection to a database
  • db2_cursor_type — Returns the cursor type used by a statement resource
  • db2_escape_string — Used to escape certain characters
  • db2_exec — Executes an SQL statement directly
  • db2_execute — Executes a prepared SQL statement
  • db2_fetch_array — Returns an array, indexed by column position, representing a row in a result set
  • db2_fetch_assoc — Returns an array, indexed by column name, representing a row in a result set
  • db2_fetch_both — Returns an array, indexed by both column name and position, representing a row in a result set
  • db2_fetch_object — Returns an object with properties representing columns in the fetched row
  • db2_fetch_row — Sets the result set pointer to the next row or requested row
  • db2_field_display_size — Returns the maximum number of bytes required to display a column
  • db2_field_name — Returns the name of the column in the result set
  • db2_field_num — Returns the position of the named column in a result set
  • db2_field_precision — Returns the precision of the indicated column in a result set
  • db2_field_scale — Returns the scale of the indicated column in a result set
  • db2_field_type — Returns the data type of the indicated column in a result set
  • db2_field_width — Returns the width of the current value of the indicated column in a result set
  • db2_foreign_keys — Returns a result set listing the foreign keys for a table
  • db2_free_result — Frees resources associated with a result set
  • db2_free_stmt — Frees resources associated with the indicated statement resource
  • db2_get_option — Retrieves an option value for a statement resource or a connection resource
  • db2_last_insert_id — Returns the auto generated ID of the last insert query that successfully executed on this connection
  • db2_lob_read — Gets a user defined size of LOB files with each invocation
  • db2_next_result — Requests the next result set from a stored procedure
  • db2_num_fields — Returns the number of fields contained in a result set
  • db2_num_rows — Returns the number of rows affected by an SQL statement
  • db2_pclose — Closes a persistent database connection
  • db2_pconnect — Returns a persistent connection to a database
  • db2_prepare — Prepares an SQL statement to be executed
  • db2_primary_keys — Returns a result set listing primary keys for a table
  • db2_procedure_columns — Returns a result set listing stored procedure parameters
  • db2_procedures — Returns a result set listing the stored procedures registered in a database
  • db2_result — Returns a single column from a row in the result set
  • db2_rollback — Rolls back a transaction
  • db2_server_info — Returns an object with properties that describe the DB2 database server
  • db2_set_option — Set options for connection or statement resources
  • db2_special_columns — Returns a result set listing the unique row identifier columns for a table
  • db2_statistics — Returns a result set listing the index and statistics for a table
  • db2_stmt_error — Returns a string containing the SQLSTATE returned by an SQL statement
  • db2_stmt_errormsg — Returns a string containing the last SQL statement error message
  • db2_table_privileges — Returns a result set listing the tables and associated privileges in a database
  • db2_tables — Returns a result set listing the tables and associated metadata in a database
