layout: post
title: php 反射机制Reflection
description: 反射机制Reflection
keywords: PHP,命名空间
author: admin
date: 2019-08-30 15:49
category: 网络技术
tags: php

## 简介

PHP Reflection API是PHP5才有的新功能,它是用来导出或提取出关于类、方法、属性、参数等的详细信息,包括注释。

class Reflection { }
interface Reflector { }
class ReflectionException extends Exception { }
class ReflectionFunction implements Reflector { }
class ReflectionParameter implements Reflector { }
class ReflectionMethod extends ReflectionFunction { }
class ReflectionClass implements Reflector { }
class ReflectionObject extends ReflectionClass { }
class ReflectionProperty implements Reflector { }
class ReflectionExtension implements Reflector { }


### ReflectionClass



- 常量 Contants
- 属性 Property Names
- 方法 Method Names
- 静态属性 Static Properties
- 命名空间 Namespace
- Person类是否为final或者abstract

namespace app;

class Person{
* For the sake of demonstration, we"re setting this private
private $_allowDynamicAttributes = false;

/** type=primary_autoincrement */
protected $id = 0;

/** type=varchar length=255 null */
protected $name;

/** type=text null */
protected $biography;

public function getId(){
return $this->id;

public function setId($v){
$this->id = $v;

public function getName(){
return $this->name;

public function setName($v){
$this->name = $v;

public function getBiography(){
return $this->biography;

public function setBiography($v){
$this->biography = $v;

$class = new \ReflectionClass('app\Person');

$properties = $class->getProperties();
foreach($properties as $property) {
echo $property->getName()."\n";
// 输出:
// _allowDynamicAttributes
// id
// name
// biography

//默认情况下,ReflectionClass会获取到所有的属性,private 和 protected的也可以。如果只想获取到private属性,就要额外传个参数:
* ReflectionProperty::IS_STATIC
* ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC
* ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED
* ReflectionProperty::IS_PRIVATE

//↓↓ 注意一个|组合: 获得IS_PRIVATE或者IS_PROTECTED的属性
$private_properties = $class->getProperties(\ReflectionProperty::IS_PRIVATE|\ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED);

foreach($private_properties as $property) {
if($property->isProtected()) {

// ↓↓ 获取注释
$docblock = $property->getDocComment();
preg_match('/ type\=([a-z_]*) /', $property->getDocComment(), $matches);
echo $matches[1]."\n";
// Output:
// primary_autoincrement
// varchar
// text

$data = array("id" => 1, "name" => "Chris", "biography" => "I am am a PHP developer");
foreach($data as $key => $value) {
if(!$class->hasProperty($key)) {
throw new \Exception($key." is not a valid property");

if(!$class->hasMethod("get".ucfirst($key))) {
throw new \Exception($key." is missing a getter");

if(!$class->hasMethod("set".ucfirst($key))) {
throw new \Exception($key." is missing a setter");

$object = new Person();

// http://php.net/manual/zh/class.reflectionmethod.php
// getMethod 获得一个该方法的reflectionmethod对象,然后使用里面的invoke方法;
$setter = $class->getMethod("set".ucfirst($key));
$ok = $setter->invoke($object, $value);

// Get the setter method and invoke it
$getter = $class->getMethod("get".ucfirst($key));
$objValue = $getter->invoke($object);

// Now compare
if($value == $objValue) {
echo "Getter or Setter has modified the data.\n";
} else {
echo "Getter and Setter does not modify the data.\n";

#### getMethod and invoke

`ReflectionClass::getMethod` — 获取一个类方法的 **ReflectionMethod**(可以理解为获得这个类方法的控制权,不管这个类方法是否是public)。


- http://php.net/manual/zh/class.reflectionmethod.php
- http://php.net/manual/zh/reflectionmethod.invoke.php

class HelloWorld {
private function sayHelloTo($name,$arg1,$arg2) {
return 'Hello ' . $name.' '.$arg1.' '.$arg2;

$obj = new HelloWorld();
// 第一个参数可以是对象,也可以是类
$reflectionMethod = new ReflectionMethod($obj , 'sayHelloTo');
if(!$reflectionMethod -> isPublic()){
$reflectionMethod -> setAccessible(true);
* public mixed ReflectionMethod::invoke ( object $object [, mixed $parameter [, mixed $... ]] )
* 1. 获得某个类方法的ReflectionMethod
* 2. $object 该方法所在的类实例的对象,然后第二参数起对号入座到该方法的每个参数;
* 3. 通过invoke就可以执行这个方法了
echo $reflectionMethod->invoke($obj, 'GangGe','How','are you');

echo $reflectionMethod -> invokeArgs($obj,array('GangGe','How','are you'));

#### getProperty

获得一个 `ReflectionProperty` 类实例 (同上,获得该属性的控制权) http://cn2.php.net/manual/zh/class.reflectionproperty.php

##### getValue获取属性值

public mixed ReflectionProperty::getValue ([ object $object ] )

class Foo {
public static $staticProperty = 'foobar';
public $property = 'barfoo';
protected $privateProperty = 'foofoo';
$reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass('Foo');
var_dump($reflectionClass->getProperty('staticProperty')->getValue()); //静态属性可以不加参数
var_dump($reflectionClass->getProperty('property')->getValue(new Foo)); //非静态属性必须加传一个类实例
$reflectionProperty = $reflectionClass->getProperty('privateProperty'); //受保护的属性就要通过setAccessible获得其权限
var_dump($reflectionProperty->getValue(new Foo));

### Example

#### 模拟YII框架中控制器调用方法的实现


if (PHP_SAPI != 'cli') {
exit('Please run it in terminal!');
if ($argc < 3) {
exit('At least 2 arguments needed!');

$controller = ucfirst($argv[1]) . 'Controller';
$action = 'action' . ucfirst($argv[2]);

// 检查类是否存在
if (!class_exists($controller)) {
exit("Class $controller does not existed!");

// 获取类的反射
$reflector = new ReflectionClass($controller);
// 检查方法是否存在
if (!$reflector->hasMethod($action)) {
exit("Method $action does not existed!");

// 取类的构造函数,返回的是ReflectionMethod对象
$constructor = $reflector->getConstructor();

// 取构造函数的参数,这是一个对象数组
$parameters = $constructor->getParameters();

// 遍历参数
foreach ($parameters as $key => $parameter) {
// 获取参数声明的类
$injector = new ReflectionClass($parameter->getClass()->name);
// 实例化参数声明类并填入参数列表
$parameters[$key] = $injector->newInstance(); //实例化$parameter->getClass()->name类

// 使用参数列表实例 controller 类
$instance = $reflector->newInstanceArgs($parameters);
// 执行

class HelloController
private $model;

public function __construct(TestModel $model)
$this->model = $model;

public function actionWorld()
echo $this->model->property, PHP_EOL;

class TestModel
public $property = 'property';

#### TP框架中实现前后控制器

class BlogAction {

public function detail() {
echo 'detail' . "\r\n";

public function test($year = 2014, $month = 4, $day = 21) {
echo $year . '--' . $month . '--' . $day . "\r\n";

public function _before_detail() {
echo __FUNCTION__ . "\r\n";

public function _after_detail() {
echo __FUNCTION__ . "\r\n";

// 执行detail方法
$method = new ReflectionMethod('BlogAction', 'detail');
$instance = new BlogAction();

// 进行权限判断
if ($method->isPublic()) {

$class = new ReflectionClass('BlogAction');

// 执行前置方法
if ($class->hasMethod('_before_detail')) {
$beforeMethod = $class->getMethod('_before_detail');
if ($beforeMethod->isPublic()) {

$method->invoke(new BlogAction);

// 执行后置方法
if ($class->hasMethod('_after_detail')) {
$beforeMethod = $class->getMethod('_after_detail');
if ($beforeMethod->isPublic()) {

// 执行带参数的方法
$method = new ReflectionMethod('BlogAction', 'test');
$params = $method->getParameters();
foreach ($params as $param) {
$paramName = $param->getName();
if (isset($_REQUEST[$paramName])) {
$args[] = $_REQUEST[$paramName];
} elseif ($param->isDefaultValueAvailable()) {
$args[] = $param->getDefaultValue();

if (count($args) == $method->getNumberOfParameters()) {
$method->invokeArgs($instance, $args);
} else {
echo 'parameters is wrong!';

#### 其他参考

* 执行App控制器
public function execApp() {

// 创建action控制器实例
$className = MODULE_NAME . 'Controller';
$namespaceClassName = '\\apps\\' . APP_NAME . '\\controller\\' . $className;
load_class($namespaceClassName, false);

if (!class_exists($namespaceClassName)) {
throw new \Exception('Oops! Module not found : ' . $namespaceClassName);

$controller = new $namespaceClassName();

// 获取当前操作名
$action = ACTION_NAME;

// 执行当前操作
//call_user_func(array(&$controller, $action)); // 其实吧,用这个函数足够啦!!!
try {
$methodInfo = new \ReflectionMethod($namespaceClassName, $action);
if ($methodInfo->isPublic() && !$methodInfo->isStatic()) {
} else { // 操作方法不是public类型,抛出异常
throw new \ReflectionException();
} catch (\ReflectionException $e) {
// 方法调用发生异常后,引导到__call方法处理
$methodInfo = new \ReflectionMethod($namespaceClassName, '__call');
$methodInfo->invokeArgs($controller, array($action, ''));