layout: post
title: 迷思五,你是外国人,因此一直会有外国口音
description: 你没有理由不能用完美自然的口音说外语。你至少要一点模仿声音的能力(如果你可以模仿其他说你母语的人,这是个很好的徵兆。)不过,即使你没这个本事,也可以凭不懈努力和一些科技来弥补不足
keywords: english、口音、英语学习、english learning
author: admin
date: 2023-01-10 13:49
category: 语言学习
tags: english
本文英语原文节选自 antimoon,略有删改并增加中文译文
Myth #5: "You are a foreigner, therefore you will always have a foreign accent"

This line is often used to discourage language learners from studying pronunciation seriously. You didn’t grow up in an English-speaking country, so why bother trying to get your English vowels right?

It is related to the Critical Period Hypothesis (see next myth).



## 事实Fact

The fact that most foreigners have a foreign accent does not mean that you have to be like them. Many comedians are able to perfectly imitate the speech of actors, politicians, etc. Hugh Laurie was able to do a perfect American accent in House M.D., even though he is British. I can also humbly offer my own example — on listening to my speech samples, a number of Americans said that if they met me on the street, they couldn’t tell I wasn’t an American. (By the way, I have lived in Poland all my life and started studying English pronunciation at 15.)

即使确实有绝大多数外国人说话带外国口音,你也不必和他们一样。不少喜剧演员能完美地模仿明星、政治家等人的腔调说话。Renee Zellweger在电影《BJ单身日记》(The Bridget Jones's Diary)中,能说出完美无暇的英国口音,即使她来自美国南方。我也谦虚地拿我自己為例——好些美国人听了我的说话样本后,都说如果在街上遇见我,他们不会发觉我不是美国人。(顺带一提,我一直在波兰生活,直到15岁才开始学习英语发音。)

There is no reason why you can’t speak a foreign language with a perfect, natural accent. You will need at least some talent for imitating sounds (if you can imitate people in your own language, that’s a very good sign). However, if you just don’t have the knack, you can largely make up for it with persistence and a little technology.


For example, you can record your voice with your computer and compare it with the proper pronunciation. This technique helps many learners see where their pronunciation is different from the original and lets them gradually make it more native-like.


You will also need to study phonetics. First, find a resource which has recordings of all the sounds of the language you’re learning (like the table with English sounds we have for English). Then, discover which sounds are used in which words by listening to the language and by reading phonetic transcriptions in dictionaries.


Perhaps you will not be indistinguishable from a native in the end, but you are likely to achieve clear, pleasant pronunciation that will give native speakers something to wonder about (for example, Michal Wojcik’s accent is confusing for some native speakers — they think he’s from an English-speaking country, but they can’t tell which one).