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[BO01] P. Bourke, “Representing Star Fields,” October 2018, accessed July 2016.

[dV14] J. de Vries, “Learn OpenGL – Cubemaps,” 2014, accessed October 2018.

[GE16] A. Gerdelan, “Cube Maps: Sky Boxes and Environment Mapping,” 2016, accessed October 2018.

[GI16] GNU Image Manipulation Program, accessed October 2018.

[GR16] OpenGL Resources, “Planar Reflections and Refractions Using the Stencil Buffer,” accessed October 2018.

[NE14] NeHeProductions, “Clipping and Reflections Using the Stencil Buffer,” 2014, accessed October 2018.

[OV12] A. Overvoorde, “Depth and Stencils,” 2012, accessed October 2018.

[TE16] Terragen, Planetside Software, LLC, accessed October 2018.

[1] 同样的技巧也适用于通过对反光物体添加天空穹顶纹理图像来用天空穹顶替代天空盒的情况。