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[GC18] V. Gordon and J. Clevenger, Computer Graphics Programming in OpenGL with Java, 2nd ed. (Mercury Learning, 2018).

[GE17] OpenGL Extension Wrangler (GLEW), accessed October 2018.

[GF17] Graphics Library Framework (GLFW), accessed October 2018.

[GM17] OpenGL Mathematics (GLM), accessed December 2017.

[GV16] GLView, realtech-vr, accessed October 2018.

[SO17] Simple OpenGL Image Library 2 (SOIL2), SpartanJ, accessed October 2018.

[SW15] G. Sellers, R. Wright Jr., and N. Haemel, OpenGL SuperBible: Comprehensive Tutorial and Reference, 7th ed. (Addison-Wesley, 2015).

[VS17] Microsoft Visual Studio downloads, accessed October 2018.

[XC18] Apple Developer site for Xcode, accessed January 2018.

[1] 尽管如此,许多显卡厂商(比如NVIDIA)依然继续支持被弃用的功能。