
25-小程序_Pig Latin

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6.8 小程序:Pig Latin

Pig Latin是一种傻乎乎的、可伪造的语言,它会改变英语单词。如果单词以元音开头,就在单词末尾添加 yay 。如果单词以辅音或辅音簇(例如 chgr )开头,那么该辅音或辅音簇会移至单词的末尾,然后加上 ay

让我们编写一个Pig Latin程序,该程序将输出如下内容:

Enter the English message to translate into Pig Latin:
My name is AL SWEIGART and I am 4,000 years old.
Ymay amenay isyay ALYAY EIGARTSWAY andyay Iyay amyay 4,000 yearsyay oldyay.


# English to Pig Latin
print('Enter  the  English  message  to  translate  into  Pig  Latin:')
message = input()
VOWELS = ('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y')
pigLatin = [] # A list of the words in Pig Latin. 
for word in message.split():
    # Separate the non-letters at the start of this word: 
    prefixNonLetters = ''
    while  len(word)  >  0  and  not  word[0].isalpha(): 
        prefixNonLetters  +=  word[0]
        word  =  word[1:]
    if len(word) == 0: 
    # Separate the non-letters at the end of this word: 
    suffixNonLetters = ''
    while not word[-1].isalpha(): 
        suffixNonLetters  +=  word[-1]
        word = word[:-1]
    # Remember if the word was in uppercase or title case.
    wasUpper = word.isupper()
    wasTitle = word.istitle()
    word = word.lower() # Make the word lowercase for translation.
    # Separate the consonants at the start of this word:
    prefixConsonants = ''
    while len(word) > 0 and not word[0] in VOWELS:
        prefixConsonants += word[0]
        word = word[1:]
    # Add the Pig Latin ending to the word: 
    if prefixConsonants != '':
        word += prefixConsonants + 'ay' 
        word += 'yay'
    # Set the word back to uppercase or title case: 
    if wasUpper:
       word = word.upper() 
    if wasTitle:
       word  =  word.title()
    # Add the non-letters back to the start or end of the word.
    pigLatin.append(prefixNonLetters + word + suffixNonLetters)
# Join all the words back together into a single string:
print(' '.join(pigLatin))


# English to Pig Latin
print('Enter  the  English  message  to  translate  into  Pig  Latin:')
message = input()
VOWELS  =  ('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y')

首先,要求用户输入英文文本以翻译成Pig Latin。另外,创建一个常数,将每个小写的元音字母(和y)保存为字符串元组。稍后将在程序中使用它。

接下来,创建 pigLatin 变量,用来存储翻译好的Pig Latin单词:

pigLatin = [] # A list of the words in Pig Latin.
for word in message.split():
    # Separate the non-letters at the start of this word:
    prefixNonLetters = <code>''</code>
    while  len(word) > 0 and not word[0].isalpha():
        prefixNonLetters += word[0]
        word = word[1:] 
    if len(word) == 0:

我们需要将每个单词单独作为一个字符串,因此调用 message.split() 方法以获得单词列表,并将其当作单独的字符串。字符串 'My name is AL SWEIGART and I am 4,000 years old.' 会导致 split() 方法返回 ['My','name','is','AL','SWEIGART','and','I', 'am','4,000','years','old.']

我们需要删除每个单词开头和结尾的所有非字母字符,使得像 'old.' 这样的字符串转换为 'oldyay.' ,而不是 'old.yay' 。我们将这些非字母字符保存到名为 prefixNonLetters 的变量中。

    # Separate the non-letters at the end of this word: 
    suffixNonLetters = ''
    while not word[-1].isalpha():
        suffixNonLetters  +=  word[-1] 
        word = word[:-1]

在单词的第一个字符上调用 isalpha() 方法的循环确定是否应该从单词中删除一个字符,并将其连接到 prefixNonLetters 的末尾。如果整个单词是由非字母字符组成的,例如 '4,000' ,那么我们可以简单地将其附加在 pigLatin 列表中,然后继续对下一个单词进行翻译。我们还需要保存单词字符串末尾的非字母字符。这段代码类似于上一个循环。

接下来,我们将确保程序能够记住该单词是全大写还是首字母大写,以便能够在将单词翻译成Pig Latin后将其恢复:

    # Remember if the word was in uppercase or title case.
    wasUpper = word.isupper()
    wasTitle = word.istitle()
    word = word.lower() # Make the word lowercase for translation.

对于 for 循环中的其余代码,我们将使用小写的 word


# Separate the consonants at the start of this word: 
prefixConsonants = ''
while len(word) > 0 and not word[0] in VOWELS:
    prefixConsonants += word[0]
    word  =  word[1:]

我们使用的循环类似于从单词开头删除非字母字符的循环,只是现在我们要提取辅音,并将其存储到名为 prefixConsonants 的变量中。

如果单词的开头有辅音,那么它们现在在 prefixConsonants 中,我们应该将该变量和字符串 'ay' 连接到单词的末尾。否则,我们可以假设单词以元音开头,此时只需要连接 'yay'

    # Add the Pig Latin ending to the word:
    if prefixConsonants  !=  '':
         word += prefixConsonants + 'ay' 
         word += 'yay'

回想一下,我们使用 word = word.lower()word 设置为小写形式。如果单词最初是全大写或首字母大写的,那么这段代码会将单词转换回原来的大小写形式:

# Set the word back to uppercase or title case:
if wasUpper:
    word = word.upper() 
if  wasTitle:
    word = word.title()

for 循环的末尾,我们将该单词及其最初带有的任何非字母前缀或后缀附加到 pigLatin 列表中:

    # Add the non-letters back to the start or end of the word. 
    pigLatin.append(prefixNonLetters + word + suffixNonLetters)
# Join all the words back together into a single string:
print(' '.join(pigLatin))

这个循环完成后,我们通过调用 join() 方法将字符串列表组合为一个字符串。这个字符串传递给 print() ,并在屏幕上显示我们的Pig Latin。