
H!CMS是PHP+Markdown文本CMS内容管理/Blog博客系统。H!Grid CMS既能用来开发简单的网站,也能构造更为复杂的应用。H!CMS功能介绍

H!CMS V4系列 | 博客样式 | 文章样式 |
H!CMS V3系列 | 样式1(PHP7.2) | 样式2 | 百度盘下载 |提取码hic3 V3有管理后台
H!CMS V2系列 | 演示(PHP8.2) 百度盘下载 |提取码hiv1
H!CMS V1系列 H!CMS V1 | 百度盘下载 |提取码hiv1

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  2. PHP+markdown内容管理系统 | 百度盘下载 |提取码simp
  3. TXTCMS 是一款基于php+smarty+txt数据库开发的网站内容管理系统,遵循MVC设计模式。本程序不依赖任何数据库,采用txt文本数据库存储方式存储数据,实现跨平台。不用数据库也能实现CURD,支持分表,原网站无法访问,查看嗨网演示 | 百度盘下载 | 提取码 嗨网推荐
  4. 轻小站 是一款基于php+txt数据库开发的网站内容管理系统,需要在线发表文章查看嗨网演示可发表文章admin:1234
  5. Mdwiki 仅一个html页面不需要服务器支持动态语言
  6. Markdown BlogExtremly simple "static" PHP blog that renders markdown posts. No installation or database needed.To create a post just write a new .md file. Everything else just works.Note: It's not a full blogging platform, does not currently come with any premade themes, it's just a script and specific folder structure to load and display markdown files. github下载
  7. Grav is a Fast, Simple, and Flexible, file-based Web-platform. There is Zero installation required. Just extract the ZIP archive, and you are already up and running. It follows similar principles to other flat-file CMS platforms, but has a different design philosophy than most. Grav comes with a powerful Package Management System to allow for simple installation and upgrading of plugins and themes, as well as simple updating of Grav itself. github下载
  8. HTMLy is an open source Databaseless Blogging Platform or Flat-File Blog prioritizes simplicity and speed written in PHP. HTMLy can be referred to as Flat-File CMS either since it will also manage your content.You do not need to use a VPS to run HTMLy, shared hosting or even free hosting should work as long as the host supports at least PHP 5.3.演示 github下载
  9. flywheel A flat-file, serverless, document database for PHP that can store data in JSON, YAML or Markdown formats. Often MySQL can be overkill for a small site or blog installation. Although it's present by as standard on many hosting packages it still requires several manual steps including configuration, user and databases creation etc. Additionally, content stored in MySQL databases is impossible (or at least very difficult) to track using version control software. This makes sharing a site or app between a team difficult, requiring everybody to have access to a master database or their own copy. There's also complications when apps are setup on staging servers and changes that users make must be reflected in a developer's local copy. You've probably come up against this issue in the past and it's all a bit of a mess. Flywheel hopes to enable a new breed of PHP apps and libraries by giving developers access to a datastore that acts in a similar way to a NoSQL database but has zero external dependencies. Documents (essentially associative arrays), can be saved and retrieved, sorted and limited. Currently Flywheel is in heavy development and is not production ready yet. You might find that documents created from one version of Flywheel can't be loaded by another right now. As we get closer and closer to a v1 this is less likely to happen github下载
  10. Gitblog:GitBlog是一个简单易用的Markdown博客系统,它不需要数据库,没有管理后台功能,更新博客只需要添加你写好的Markdown文件即可。它摆脱了在线编辑器排版困难,无法实时预览的缺点,一切都交给Markdown来完成,一篇博客就是一个Markdown文件。同时也支持评论,代码高亮,数学公式,页面PV统计等常用功能。GitBlog提供了不同的主题样式,你可以根据自己的喜好配置,如果你想自己制作博客主题,也是非常容易的。GitBlog还支持整站静态导出,你完全可以导出整站静态网页部署到Github Pages。github下载
  11. typecho:仅仅 7 张数据表,加上不足 400KB 的代码,就实现了完整的插件与模板机制。超低的 CPU 和内存使用率,足以发挥主机的最高性能。github下载
  12. Justwriting:是一个极简开源博客系统,不同于Wordpress等传统博客系统,Justwriting没有博客后台,你只需要在你的电脑上用Markdown书写,还有比这更简单的吗。同时你不用担心你的文章丢失,因为文章就在你的电脑里。github下载
  13. dropplets 使用AltoRouter,SleekDb 和parsedown解释引擎 github下载
  14. markdown-CMS A simple, fast, lean, flat file (no database) CMS for easy and quick website generation and publishing. If you can type text you can build a website. github下载