Lesson 45 Prepositions:  ke, dari  
  (to, from a place)

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A second reading  {{ @audio | raw }} (by Muhammad Nor Ismat, a native speaker)

Saya pernah ke London.
Anda hendak ke mana?
Saya hendak ke pasar.
Dia datang dari mana?
Dia datang dari Tokyo.
I have been to London.
Where do you want to go?
I want to go to the market.
Where does he come from?
He comes from Tokyo.

Note that the word pergi (= to go) is omitted from sentences 2 and 3 though it is perfectly correct to have them, as in
Anda hendak pergi ke mana? though colloquially it will simply be Nak ke mana? or Mau ke mana? leaving out both anda and pergi as these words would be considered redundant from the context. You will remember that nak is the short form for hendak and mau is the short form for mahu.
One answer to the above question could be Saya hendak pergi ke pasar. (I want to go to the market.)
In the above sentences hendak can also be replaced by mahu. There is really no need to make a distinction between "wish" and "want" here.

The above sentences illustrate the use of the prepositions ke (to a place) and dari (from a place). But dari is also used in the sense of "out of" eg. "Nine out of ten people like to eat ice-cream" would be Sembilan dari sepuluh orang suka makan aiskrim.

More illustrative sentences

Saya tidak pernah ke rumahnya. (I have never been to his house.)
Dia pernah ke pejabat saya. (He has been to my office.)
Saya hendak pergi ke rumah Encik Ali. (I want to go to Mr. Ali's house.)

icecream es krim aiskrim
He has been to my office. Dia pernah ke kantor aku. Dia pernah ke pejabat saya.
I want to go to Mr. Ali's house. Aku hendak pergi ke rumah Bapak Ali. Saya hendak pergi ke rumah Encik Ali.