Chinese Authoritarianism in the Information Age

出版社: Routledge
出版年: 2018-2-13
页数: 264
定价: GBP 115.00
ISBN: 9780815379140
豆瓣评分: 0人参评    立即阅读

政治学 政治社会学 社会运动 社会学 海外中国研究 当代中国 互联网 中国政治

《Chinese Authoritarianism in the Information Age》简介

This book examines information and public opinion control by the authoritarian state in response to popular access to information and upgraded political communication channels among the citizens in contemporary China. Empowered by mass media, particularly social media and other information technology, Chinese citizen’s access to information has been expanded. Publicly focusing events and opinions have served as catalysts to shape the agenda for policy making and law making, narrow down the set of policy options, and change the pace of policy implementation. Yet, the authoritarian state remains in tight control of media, including social media, to deny the free flow of information and shape public opinion through a centralized institutional framework for propaganda and information technologies. The evolving process of media control and public opinion manipulation has constrained citizen’s political participation and strengthened Chinese authoritarianism in the information age. The chapters originally published as articles in the Journal of Contemporary China.

《Chinese Authoritarianism in the Information Age》作者

Suisheng Zhao is Professor and Director of the Center for China-US Cooperation at Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver and founding editor of the Journal of Contemporary China.

《Chinese Authoritarianism in the Information Age》目录