

选择背景色: 黄橙 洋红 淡粉 水蓝 草绿 白色 选择字体: 宋体 黑体 微软雅黑 楷体 选择字体大小: 恢复默认

2.2.1 生成一个随机迷宫

Maze 类将在内部记录一个表示其状态的网格(列表的列表)。还有表示行数、列数、起始位置和目标位置的实例变量,该网格将被随机填入一些路障单元格。

这里生成的迷宫应该相当地稀疏,以便从给定的起始位置到给定的目标位置的路径几乎总是存在(毕竟这里只是为了测试算法)。实际的稀疏度将由迷宫的调用者决定,但这里将给出默认的稀疏度为20%的路障。如果某个随机数超过了当前 sparseness 参数给出的阈值,就会简单地用路障单元格替换空单元格。如果对迷宫中的每个位置都执行上述操作,那么从统计学上说,整个迷宫的稀疏度将近似于给定的 sparseness 参数。具体代码如代码清单2-12所示。

代码清单2-12 maze.py(续)

class Maze:
    def __init__(self, rows: int = 10, columns: int = 10, sparseness: float = 0.2, start:
     MazeLocation = MazeLocation(0, 0), goal: MazeLocation = MazeLocation(9, 9)) -> None:
       # initialize basic instance variables
       self._rows: int = rows
       self._columns: int = columns
       self.start: MazeLocation = start
       self.goal: MazeLocation = goal
       # fill the grid with empty cells
       self._grid: List[List[Cell]] = [[Cell.EMPTY for c in range(columns)] 
    for r in range(rows)]
        # populate the grid with blocked cells
        self._randomly_fill(rows, columns, sparseness)
        # fill the start and goal locations in
        self._grid[start.row][start.column] = Cell.START
        self._grid[goal.row][goal.column] = Cell.GOAL
    def _randomly_fill(self, rows: int, columns: int, sparseness: float):
        for row in range(rows):
            for column in range(columns):
                if random.uniform(0, 1.0) < sparseness:
                    self._grid[row][column] = Cell.BLOCKED


代码清单2-13 maze.py(续)

# return a nicely formatted version of the maze for printing
def __str__(self) -> str:
    output: str = ""
    for row in self._grid:
        output += "".join([c.value for c in row]) + "\n"
    return output


maze: Maze = Maze()